2021-11-22 18:17:58来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语P2/P3话题素材:海上活动 本文为大家分享雅思口语素材,更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育,需要雅思课程可以在线预约试听
Describe a leisure activity on/near the sea that you want to try You should say:
What it is
What you need to prepare How easy or difficult it is
And explain why you want to try it
I'd like to talk about a leisure activities on the beach, snorkeling, which is swimming along the surface of the water and enjoying the underwater world equipped with a mask, a snorkel and usually swim fins. I know perfect snorkeling locations are warm and temperate seas, with translucent water, so I think Sanya, a beautiful coastal city in Hainan province, may be the best choice.
Before go into the water, I need to prepare all the equipment mentioned before and find myself an instructor. Even snorkeling does not require any special training, major expenses, or strong physical effort. I still need some professional guide. Besides, I want to take epic underwater shots or marine life. I also need to buy a waterproof camera.
I think snorkeling should not be difficult for me, because I like the ocean very much and I am good at swimming. But this may be very hard for my friend, David, who can't swim, but he is curious about the underwater world and colorful fish. I need to teach him how to swim in advance.
I want to try it because I watched a video about snorkeling on Youtube, I was inspired by the wonderful under water world. It is like entering and exploring an unknown world. I enjoy watching all the different fish, the colors, reefs and the whole marine life. Summer is coming so I'll definitely invite my friends to visit Sanya soon. We gonna have a great time.
what are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?
The advantage of vacations to the seaside is that we can get close to nature. The air is fresh, and there are many sports that can exercise, relax, and more importantly, we can eat delicious seafood. The disadvantage is that we need to prevent sunburn, and in the peak tourist season, the rent and consumption will be more expensive.
Why do people like spending time on the sea?
I guess the main reason is that water has a kind of calming effect on people. This gives them the opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, breathe some fresh air and let their hair down a bit. And when you consider all the stress that people are under these days, I think it's easy to understand why people gravitate to places near water.
Why do children like the sea better than adults?
I don't think children like the sea better than adults. There's no comparison. Children like to run on the beach, build sandcastles, pick up shells, swim in the sea, and do all kinds of interesting sports, such as surfing, beach volleyball and so on. And adults can do water sports, enjoy sunbathing, or reading on the beach.
What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?
I think service jobs can be found near the seaside, such as fast-food restaurants or supermarket waiters. Or, coachwork related to sports, such as surfing instructor, diving instructor, or security personnel, etc.
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