2021-09-09 14:17:04来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
2021年9-12月雅思口语Part1新题素材(初版) 本文为大家整理分享9-12月雅思口语新题库,大家可以收藏学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球雅思
1.What apps have you recently used?
I have used several different types of apps recently, including news app, social media app, map app, as well as the apps designed for learning English. My favorite is definitely Wechat, since I can do lots of things in it.
2.What kinds of apps are you usually interested in?
I'd like to try new digital games when I'm free. I'm also a heavy user of online shopping apps since they often offer good bargains.
3.What was the first app you used?
I can't remember clearly, but I guess it must be those pre-installed applications in my smart phone, like the App Store where I can download more apps that I need.
4.What kinds of apps would you like to use in the future?
I don't know. I've already had dozens of apps and actually I'm planning to delete some of them to make my life simpler. But if I have to say, I suppose I will use fitnesss apps more often because I'd like to lose some weight in future months.
1.What's your favourite colour?
White is my favourite colour since it can make me feel calm. That's why most of my personal staff are white in colour, like my clothes, shoes, bags and furniture.
2.What's the colour you dislike? Why?
I don't like grey and brown, especially when choosing clothes. They don't go well with my colour of my skin.
3.What colours do your friends like most?
Well, they have different preferences of colours. Some of them like blue most, while others prefer green. But generally my friends like bright colors more than dark colors.
4.What colour makes you uncomfortable in your room?
I would feel uncomfortable with red decorations at home. Although red is considered as the symbol of happiness and celebration, it's weired to have lots of red staff in my room unless it's during the Spring Fesitival. It just makes me feel stressful.
1.Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?
It depends. I find it difficult to concentrate on studying or working if I didn't have enough sleep or the environment is too noisy. In contrast, I can hardly be distracted when I feel energetic and work in a quiet place.
2. What do you do to help you concentrate?
I would drink some tea or coffee, take a rest, or go for a walk. These activities can help me to refresh myself and then be able to stay focused.
3.What may distract you when you're trying to stay focused?
Noise is a big distraction for me. It will interupt my train of thought and I would feel exhausted.
4. When do you need to be focused?
I need to stay focused in many situations, like driving, taking an exam, and writing a report. I think being focused is essential since it's related to our safety and success.
Getting lost
1.Have you ever lost your way?
No, I never lost my way. I'm good at telling directions and with the help of map apps in my smart phone, it's actually more easier to find my way even when I'm traveling in a strange city.
2.How can you find your way when you are lost?
Well, I'll try to find a landmark nearby, and check the direction in the map app in my phone. If my phone is dead, I'll ask others for help.
3.Can you read a map when you get lost?
Yes, I can. As long as I can identify where I'm currently at and know the language on the map, it's not difficult for me to find my way, whether it's a paper map or an electronic one.
4.Have your ever helped someone who got lost?
Yes, I have. I met several travelers who were not familiar with this city and asked me for help. I was glad to help them out since it feels good when they thanked me.
1.Do you like handwrting?
I used to like writing by hand when I was young, since my handwriting was neat and I was always praised by teacher because of this. But now I prefer to type beacasue it's more common and convenient.
2.Do you think handwriting is important?
Well, I agree that handwriting can be important sometimes. People would feel pleasant if they receive a card or letter that is written by hand, since this way of expressing feelings is rare now.
3.Which do you prefer, handwriting or typing?
I prefer typing because it's time-saving, accurate and convenient. But I'd like to practice handwriting in my leisure time, it's just one of my hobbies.
4.What's the differences between handwriting and typing?
Like I said, typing is more efficient than handwriting, and most people have been used to type instead of write by hand. Another difference is that handwriting is very personal, we may even tell the personality of the writer from his or her writing; whereas typing is always the same.
1.Do you use headphones?
Yes, I do. I use headphones everyday on my way to work. Listening to music or news makes me feel less bored when commuting.
2.What type of headphones do you use?
I've used different types of headphones recent years. I have an over-ear headphone in my office, which I use to listen to music during break. Besides, I also have a wireless bluetooth earphone that is used for making phone calls or when I'm outside.
3.When would you use headphones?
As I mentioned, I would use headphones to listen to music, making phone calls or watching videos. Sometimes I also wear the headphone when it's noisy, the noise reduction function is really great.
4.In what conditions, you won't use headphones?
I won't use headphones when it's not allowed to. For example, I'll definitely not wear earphones when attending a meeting or discussing issues with my colleagues.
Pets and Animals
1.What's your favorite animal? Why?
My favorite animal is alpaca, because they look adorable and their hair is so soft. I've touched a white alpaca once and it's an unforgettable experience.
2.What is the most popular animal in China?
I'm not sure since people have different preferences. But dogs and cats are the most popular pets in this country and you can find massive photos and videos about these animals on social media. Apart from that, I guess panda is our favorite animal since it's unique in the world.
3.Have you ever had a pet before?
No, I've never had any pets. When I was younger, I was interested in puppies but my parents didn't allow me to have one since they didn't believe that I can take good care of it.
4.Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?
Although I believe that it's better to keep a pet outdoors, I have to keep them indoors because I cannot afford a house with a yard now.
Public Gardens and Parks
1.Would you like to play in a public garden or park?
Yes I do. Parks are great places where I can breath fresh air and enjoy nature scenery, which make me feel refreshed.
2.What do you like to do when visiting a park?
It depends. If it's a park that is located in my neighborhood, I'd like to have a walk in it after supper. If it's a national park in the suburb, I will go hiking or camping on weekends with my friends or family members.
3.How have parks changed today compared to the time when you were a kid?
Well, there are more faciliteis and intelligent devices in parks thesedays than in the past. For example, there were not restaurants and convenient stores in parks when I was young, but now it's easy to find places to eat in public parks. Besides, the tickets have been digitalised and we don't need to wait for buying tickets in a long queue anymore.
4.Would you prefers to play in a personal garden or public garden?
I'm not sure because I've never got the oppourtunity to visit a personal garden. I guess playing in a public garden could be more enjoyable since it's usually larger than a personal one.
1.What kind of weather do you like most?
I like cloudy days most since it's usually neither too hot nor too cold, and I feel comfortable with that.
2.What's the weather like in your hometown?
I grew up in northern China and there are four distinct seasons, so the weather changes in different seasons. It's warm in spring, hot in summer, cool in autumn, and cold, dry, sometimes windy in winter,
3.Do you like the weather in your hometown?
Yes, I do. Although the winter is colder and longer than that in southern China, I've been used to it and I really enjoy those sunny and coold days in autumn.
4.Do you prefer dry or wet weather?
I prefer wet weather since it's benefical to my skin. Otherwise, I would feel quite comfortable when the weather is dry and I have to turn on the humidifier.
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