2021-09-29 14:47:05来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
Describe a person who offer a clever solution to a problem You should say:
Who this person is What the problem was How he/she solved it
And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way
I would like to talk about an able person who come up with an intelligent method is the leadership of my internship company in the last summer holiday.
The leader mainly be responsible for the personnel management especially the new worker. As we all know that it would be quite challenging for people to adapt to new environment and feel embarrassed at first to talk with others, which would influent the work efficiency undoubtedly so this was the headache for us in that we were unwilling to have conversation with unfamiliar co-workers and the result of which was that the working atmosphere was intense. Consequently, the leader wanted to address this barrier so that we could get along well with each other and increase the work efficiency. When it comes to the method towards this problem, our leader adopted a weekly chat room as an icebreaker where we had some thrilling games that we had to cooperate together and had some interaction. I still remembered an unforgettable game that we needed to find a partner or two people according to rules before the music stops. It was truly an exciting game in that those who failed had the little punishment like singing or dancing. After that, we got to know each other quickly and discussed the work mission
Regarding the explanation why I think his solution was clever mainly for two reasons. To begin with, He brought us closer together unconsciously and strengthened our relationship in order to have better communication and then promote the efficiency. What’s more, we also alleviated the stress while playing and it didn't take up the time off work.
Do you think children are born smart or they learn to become smart?
Actually, almost all children have distinct IQ when they are born, but children can utilize assorted methods to enhance themselves, such as reading textbooks, watching newspaper, and so forth. Therefore, I reckon that some children are born smarter than others, but those who are less clever can learn to be more intelligent.
How do children become smart at school?
There are a multitude of ways to become clever. Firstly, when meeting troubles in academic areas, they ought to inquire teacher for help rather than contemplate alone. Besides, they can visit library frequently so that they will enrich themselves by reading extra books.
Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?
The people who are generalists are capable of learning things with patience, so they will improve their drawbacks. However, those who are merely versed in one thing will easily quit when facing difficulties rather than figure out the troubles, they merely be keen on their good areas, which means that they can have a sense of satisfaction after doing well.
Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?
Normally, people who are deft at every areas have willpower or strong mentality, which means that they will choose to overcome the troubles, instead of giving up their own business easily. Therefore, talents of all kinds will be equipped with stronger and knowledgeable mind.
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