雅思口语P2有话说 | 8分素材之描述一本让你激动的书

2021-11-11 10:26:03来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  雅思口语P2有话说 | 8分素材之描述一本让你激动的书,有些同学可能会因为没有完整的看过一本书而无话可说,事实上这道题也可以使用迁移法改编法。同学们可以将自己看过的电影、电视剧、纪录片、人物故事等改编成一本你所看过的书籍

  I’d like to tell you about a book called ‘Slice of the Moon’, it’s by Sonia Toksvig, at least, I think that’s the author’s name. So, my sister gave this book to my daughter and then I borrowed it from my daughter, partly because my sister had said she had read it  and couldn’t put it down.

雅思口语P2有话说 | 8分素材之描述一本让你激动的书

  Well, it’s set in rural Ireland in the 19th century and it’s the story of how a family fled the country to escape the famine. It then narrates their journey across the sea to America. It's told from the point of view of the young girl in the family and it's a really captivating book, but quite horrific, I mean it sent shivers down my spine . Many of the characters die on the trip. It was very tragic, one sad event after another. I liked the way the author developed the plot and built these characters that you feel so much for, especially the young girl who is adorable.

  I think I really enjoyed it because it is a doddle to read . I know it’s aimed at young children or teenagers, but it is really engaging, I mean, the cliff-hangers had me on the edge of my seat all the way through. Overall, I would definitely recommend it, I think it's a really good read, both for children and adults. I think there’s something for everybody there ,so it’s great, in fact, I’d go as far as to say. it’s possibly the best adventure book for children that I have ever read.


  put it down  爱不释手

  narrates 叙述

  from the point of view 从...视角(描述)

  sent shivers down my spine 令人脊背发凉(害怕)

  tragic 戏剧化

  doddle to read 易读懂的


