2021-11-03 17:18:33来源:未知作者: 素素阅读量:
Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen You should say:
What you waited for Where you waited Why it was special
And explain how you felt while you were waiting
Two months ago, I attended my undergraduate graduation ceremony. One of the parts was that the tutors turn of the tassel for students, which means that all of us officially will end our college life and graduate from college.
At about 8 a.m. on the day of graduation ceremony, we arrived at the campus in academic dress, which is located in Xuhui District, Shanghai, and it is an area full of life. First of all, we sat in the auditorium and listened to the headmaster and Dean express their wishes and expectations for our graduation. Then, under the leadership of student representatives, we made a joint oath. The last part is the one we waited for the longest and full of expectations, that is, the turning of tassel of the teacher. The whole audience went on stage in turn, and every twelve people were in a group. Everyone lined up backstage in advance. During the backstage preparation, I was excited and a little nervous, of course, also with joy. Additionally, I was silently thinking about what to say to my mentor for a while. When the music sounded, the students in our queue went to the podium together and came to the teachers who were also in the same academic dresses. I took the graduation certificate from my teacher, then lowered my head and waited for the turning of teacher, after finishing, I shook hands with him and expressed my gratitude for his guidance and education during my university's life. The teacher also expressed congratulations on my graduation.
This process was very short. We came down from the stage after about a minute, but for me, it was a significant ceremony and left me a really deep memory.
Part 3
On what occasions do people usually need to wait?
The occasions that people need to wait has gradually decreased with the progress of digital workflow, but what I see most in life is waiting in line for dinner in the mall or waiting in line at the door of the elevator. Generally speaking, when the supply and demand are unbalanced, especially when the supply is significantly less than the demand, there will be waiting. Another occasion is that a certain ceremony will only take place at a specific time or place, so people will make preparations in advance and wait there.
Who behave better when waiting, children or adults?
Generally, adults have more self-control than young children, so they will perform better in behavior. Because waiting is usually a boring process, children may have bad behaviors such as running around, making noise and influencing others, but adults will wait civilized and perform better in most cases because they have a higher cognitive level and self-control ability.
Compared to the past, are people less patient now, why?
Compared with the past, I personally think that people today are less patient than in the past. On the one hand, more and more people are improving their quality of life and pursuing the experience of entertainment projects.
There may be an occasion that the production capacity of some popular projects does not keep up with the demands, so the waiting time becomes longer, causing people's lack of patience. On the other hand, people today have higher work pressure and faster pace of life. They prefer to watch short videos and graphic clips so that they can quickly understand an event, rather than having a lot of free time to study slowly in the past, so people today are more impatient.
What are the positive and negative effects of waiting on society?
Personally, the negative impact of waiting is greater than the positive impact. The main negative impact is to reduce the efficiency of work and social production. People waste their time waiting and can't do more meaningful things. The positive impact is based on the things and the personal attitudes. If it is a work that needs to be done carefully, longer waiting time means longer preparation time, and the final results may be better. And if individuals can improve themselves during the waiting time, such as reading some books, thinking, etc, Then it also has a certain positive effect.
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