2021-10-30 19:43:32来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语P3话题素材:给别人建议的经历 本文为大家分享雅思口语素材,更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育,需要雅思课程可以在线预约试听

In what situations do young people (or, children) need advice?
There are various situations, like choosing a college, choosing major, a job or even in some situation, choosing future house location. In these scenarios, people may feel lost about some situation and inexperienced, that’s why they need second or third opinions from others.
What is the value of advice from older people?
First of all, listening to the advice of older people has promoted well-being and even survival for millennial. Also, the elders offer an alternative to conventional wisdom, since they’ve experience more than we did.
Do young people always take (or, accept) the advice of their parents?
I think that depends on what kind of advice their parents are giving and what kind of parents they are. If they advise is positive and parents are knowledgeable, their advice should be taken, however, if not, the child may need a second opinion.
Do people ever get advice from strangers?
Of course, there are cases we take advice from strangers. No matter the person is our friends or not, as long as it’s good for us, we should take it into consideration. But we do need to think of the hazards to trust a stranger easily.
What people in society give professional advice?
Professionals, teachers, experts, and those who does well in their areas are those who give others advice. Actually, everyone has their advantages and disadvantages, as long as others is better in one field than us, we should learn from them.
Is it good to ask advice from strangers online?
I think it is good to ask advice from anyone else, since different people will give diverse thoughts towards the same thing. Asking for a stranger online may help you get brand new advice since strangers might have a totally different life experience from you and your friends, which will bring up your mind and help you step out of the box. The only problem is, everyone should also keep in mind their privacy when talking online, and also the advice is only other's thoughts, not the correct solution for anything,
What is the problems if you ask too many people for advice?
The very obvious problem that will happen is you might lose yourself when actually facing to make a decision. Just like the saying goes, "There are a thousand Hamlet in the eyes of a thousand people," different people have their own thoughts towards the same thing, but you should take the responsibility for yourself when making a decision. The people you asked for advice might not be in the same boat as you, so they cannot have a solution does perfectly suitable for your situation.
Should people prepare before giving advice?
I don't think people need to prepare before giving advice, since, in my understanding, most cases when you are giving advice are when someone comes straight to you and asks a problem. In this case, you don't really have a lot of time preparing for an answer, the best thing I will do is to use my experiences and basic knowledge to give a good enough answer. Let's say you are a perfectly nice person who would like to provide great advice to others. It will take a lot of your time to do so. I don't think it is worth doing that, since the others might not take that serious to your answer as well, and you have your life and your time is precious too.
Is there a time you think carefully before giving advice?
There was a time that I think carefully before giving advice to my friend. She was one of my best friends, and she came asked me about which courses the next semester she should attend. I thought carefully and talk to her about the summary of each course. I asked her about what program she wants to apply for university, and give her some advice about choosing classes.
What are the personalities of people whose job is to give advice to others?
First of all, they should be good listeners since they need to listen to the real situation in order to give useful advice. Besides, they probably need to be nice since, for those who are looking for advice, they might be confusing and worrying. Being nice as an advisor can efficiently relieve their stress.
Psychological consulting is too expensive, do you think it is reasonable?
I heard psychological consulting is really expensive, but the fees can be covered by insurance in some countries. Besides, I think therapy is an important tool that can help you solve problems, especially for the psychological therapist. They can build up your mind, help you destress, and get back to a normal and healthy life. I think
psychological consulting is worth that much, but I hope the price can be lower in the future after regulating the market so that more people with mental illness will be able to get treatment.
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