2021-10-30 19:32:21来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语P3话题素材:用电脑出问题 本文为大家分享雅思口语素材,更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育,需要雅思课程可以在线预约试听

When do you have problems with your computer?
I just told you the only time that I had problems with my computer. Form then on I have been using it very carefully and always make copies of my work, like I just said. I think having problems with computers is really frustrating and tiring, as someone who nearly know nothing about computers I don’t want to experience that again.
What is the function of the computer?
Computers are used to assist people to do all kinds of work, mainly to calculate something. With the connection to the Internet and the help of programs, computers can be used to do much more things like searching, identifying and judging. I do not major in this area so I am not sure if I am right in this issue.
Are you addicted to computers?
I think not. I mainly use computers to write essays, which will never makes me addicted to it. However, I might get fascinated if I start playing computer games since I am really a game fan. I know well about my nature, so I never use computers to download games, that’s a way for me to be self-disciplined.
What do people use computers for?
I think what people use computers for can be categorized into three parts: working, studying and entertaining. Most of the work nowadays needs the computer not only in the IT field but also in all kinds of careers. Due to the quarantine, most schools have online classes online, so laptops are almost mandatory for each student to
participate in class and finish homework. Video games took a lot of time in some people's days. Some people I know spend all of the spare time they have on computer games.
Should students be allowed to use computers at school?
Students should be allowed to use computers at school, but what content students are viewing should be limited in classes. For example, during the class, the teachers should often check whether each student is on track with the class content. Besides, the advantage of having computers at school is helping the students to have a better understanding of what the teacher is talking about. They can search online anytime they hear something new to them, which improves studying efficiency.
Do you think computers make our life simpler or more complex?
I think in general computers make our life simpler and more convenient. If someone thinks computers are making life more complicated, they might not be having the correct way of using them. In my understanding, everyone should choose a way to live our life easier, so if you find the computer is not giving that advantage in a specific situation, then I recommend you find a more classical way or a way you're used to solve the problem.
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