2021-10-30 19:28:23来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语P3话题素材:用想象力的时候 本文为大家分享雅思口语素材,更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育,需要雅思课程可以在线预约试听
Do you think adults can have lots of imagination?
Well, I don’t think so because I believe adults cannot be as creative as children. I admit that there are highly creative adults out there, for example, artists and fashion designers, but a majority of adults cannot have a lot of imagination. Due to the shackles of reality and intensively fierce competitions, we are taught to follow the set rules and disciplines, which makes it even harder for us to have or give full play to imagination.
What subjects are helpful for children’s imagination?
There are many subjects beneficial for children’s imagination. For one, music can stimulate kid’s imagination. When kids are listening to a song or fully immersing themselves in a piece of beautiful music, their moods can be shifted and they can create images in their mind, thus opening them up to new ideas. On the other hand, art classes help a lot in fostering children’s imagination. By appreciating works by masters, children are inspired and gradually, they can bring the scenes in their mind to life.
Is imagination important for children?
Yes, definitely. Imagination is a key component of childhood, which helps kids learn important lifelong skills including social, creative, emotional and problem-solving skills. With imagination, children can better understand the world in which they live and their relation to it.
When do children need imagination?
Well, I’m not quite sure about this question but I think imagination is required when they are toddlers. This is because imagination helps foster cognitive development, which should be achieved at an early age. And in early childhood education, imagination related skills, such as creative-problem solving abilities are critical goals for children’s development.
What professions require imagination?
There are many professions in which imagination is essential. For one, writers and authors absolutely need to use imagination to create new contents for books, songs, plays and videos. Besides, cooks and bakers need imagination to create new recipes and decorate their cakes and pastries in unique ways.
Do you think imagination is essential for scientists?
Yes, I think so. This question reminds me of a famous quote from Einstein: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Although knowledge seems to be essential in figuring out the truth of universe or nature, I do believe that knowledge without imagination is barren since without imagination, the scientist may fail to understand the beauty of nature nor to explore how the laws of physics could be more fantastic. And I think Stephen Hawking’s theory of exploding black holes drew upon both relativity theory and quantum mechanics can fully illustrate my arguments.
Does an employee in a company need imagination?
Well, it depends on different industries. If you are working in art, design or public relations agencies, imagination is of critical importance because it is the foundation of your daily tasks and job performance. However, if you are working in law firms or accounting firms, other qualities such as excellent organization, attention to detail and management skills may outweigh imagination.
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