2021-10-27 20:39:44来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
媒体类话题是雅思口语part2的高频考题,2021年9-12月话题中媒体类话题就有:1. 纸质媒体如a book / a magazine / an article about health 2. 网络媒体如 a piece of local news / an article about health from the internet 3. 其他类如 a film / an advertisement / TV program 等。 如何可以更好的吸引考官,在上万考生中脱颖而出呢?小编送上媒体类话题高分通关秘籍 -- 描述媒体类话题的五部曲。
五部曲1:Use an opener.
“opener” 即为破冰的开头语,小编建议控制在1-2句话,可以包含描述对象的名称,类型,来源等基本信息,让雅思考官有一个基本的了解。为了展现出语言应用能力,有以下几种不同的引入方式。 例1:钢铁直男型:开门见山,直接引入话题对象; Well, I’d like to share with you a book that I read not too long ago, the name of that book is called ...(当季真题an exciting book) 例2:文艺女青年:旁敲侧击,娓娓道来,通过并列以及对比,引入话题对象;
Eg1: Honestly speaking, for the most part, I would probably say that I have a great passion for listening to music and indeed I have listened like thousands of songs so far. However, if I have to pick out a song that I like the most, I would probably choose the song Million Years Ago by Adele. (真题a song you like)
Eg2: I live in a rather quiet and small town, and nothing much really happens in it except some occasional bird watching (yes, many foreign birds visit it) and spending some lazy times in some local café and restaurants. Luckily, however, there is a local newspaper in my town for us to read, which provides us with local news about what happens in and around our town. So, today, I would like to talk about one such news which the local people are really interested in. ( 当季真题local news)
五部曲2:Answer the question by paraphrasing.
参考雅思口语题卡提示,回答问题。一般需要介绍描述对象what it is about ,how/when you saw/got to know it, and why you like it... 建议考生按照题卡的逻辑顺序依次描述,将最后一个提示作为重点描述(一般为why...)。具体策略上,建议考生将前三个提示简要描述,三个提示描述时长控制在60s左右。然后用剩下的时间着重描述最后一个提示why ... 可以通过内容,影响,情感等展开详细拓展,尽量将时间控制在40s -60s 之间。
示范: ① what it is about:
(小编推荐考生灵活处理,如介绍电影的背景,主要情节,导演,演员等; 如介绍关于杂志文章的内容,目标人群,建议等)
Eg1: (引自Simon考官范文)
As ‘Spectre’ hasn’t been released yet, I don’t know exactly what it will be about. But I can guess that the hero, Bond, is going to be on a mission to save the world from an arch-criminal as usual. I’m sure it will be similar to most of the previous Bond films, with a plot line involving lots of twists and turns, and with Bond using his skills to defeat his enemies in the end.
Eg2: Regarding what the article was about, well, it was about one of my favourite musicians. The article was kind of a fly-on-the-wall report, meaning it talked about what life was like on the road for this singer, and how he felt always being pursued by paparazzi and so on. Basically, what it was like being a celebrity.
② how/when you saw it:
Eg1: (引自Simon考官范文)
I first heard about this film when I was watching the news a couple of months ago, and since then I’ve seen the official trailer on TV. There have also been various articles in newspapers discussing the actors who have been cast to play supporting roles in the film.
Eg2: Now, as to when i read this article, well, it was, um, actually in the latest issue of the magazine, meaning that, you know, it only just came out, i um, read the article on the subway the other day on my way to school.
③ why I like it:
Eg1: 喜欢的情节
The reason why I like this movie is that the Bonnie Judy tried her best to become a cop even if everyone thought it was ridiculous and impossible. Miss Judy, however, finally made it brilliantly and perfectly………
Eg2: 喜欢主题曲
I was deeply moved by the theme song named Try Everything, which is really positive and awesome and it can cheer me up when I come to a standstill or in a trouble.….. The lyrics encourage me to be more brave and confident when facing difficulties
五部曲3:Use different tenses/structures.
满分示范:By the way, I would say that it was one of the best advertisements I had ever seen in a long, long time, as it was made in a very clear manner to deliver a clear message in the form of having some light jokes and conversation.
五部曲4:Include fluency markers and linking words.
常见的fluency markers and linking words:
① 递进关系:apart from, further more, additionally...
② 转折关系:while, whereas, however...
③ 举例关系:for example, for instance, like...
④ 因果关系:as a result, as, mainly because...
五部曲5:Use some less common vocabulary
最后,高分的考生如果能展示到丰富的词汇量,那就尽量的show off. 针对媒体类题,我们可以专门准备跟媒体类有关的地道表达和习语,比如:
high-quality sound and visual effect
visual feast
all-star casting
splendid acting skill
Eg1: it would open up many doors of opportunities for them as far as their educational, cultural and economic developments are concerned.
Eg2: We are not only the witnesses but also the participants. Everyone in my community is interested in this news because it is closely related to our life.
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