2021-10-22 18:11:48来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语Part2/3高分话题素材:不太成功的经历 本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!
Describe a time when you tried to do something but was not very successful You should say:
When it was What you tried
Why it was not very successful And how you felt about it
I'd like to talk about an experience that I participated in a speech contest held by my university. I represent my college in the competition. Although I didn't achieve a good result in the end, it was my first time participated in a speech competition and I think I've tried my best.
I read a lot of materials to write my speech. Then, I consulted my friends and teachers who have speech experience and asked for their advice. In addition, I watched a lot of videos about the speech contest, hoping to gain some experience from them. I've practiced many times and revised my speech several times before the competition.
The competition didn't go very well. Because I was too nervous, when I stood on the stage, my brain went blank and I forgot many words. Moreover, I forgot all the speech skills and actions I havd prepared before. In this situation, I did not achieve good results, nor did I win awards for my college.
I feel guilty because I failed to live up to the expectations of my teachers and friends and ruined the contest. But at the same time, I'm happy for myself, because I'm an introvert and never dare to stand on the stage to show myself. This was my first time speaking to the crowd. Although I didn't achieve the expected results, I have overcome myself. I believe that if I keep practicing, I will overcome my fear.
What's your definition of success?
My definition of success is that I complete the planned tasks within the scheduled time. I don't like to compare with others. As long as I do better than before, it is my progress. So I will set many small plans for myself on the basis of big goals. In this way, every time I achieve a small goal, I will feel happy and be satisfied. So I can encourage myself to continue to work hard.
What things do children try to succeed in?
Children don't need to achieve big goals. They can be regarded as successful if they insist on accomplishing small tasks every day. For example, learn five words every day, clean their room every day, and eat vegetables and fruits every day.
Which do you think is more important for people to become successful? Hard work or opportunities?
I think hard work and opportunities are very important for success, but opportunities are more necessary. Because, if you are bad luck, has not met the good opportunities all the time, no matter how hard you work, you may have been unknown.
Do you think people will be happy if they don't have any goals to achieve?
In the short run, people can be happy without goals. For example, on weekends or short holidays, people like to stay at home, reading, cooking and enjoying the time with their families. But in the long run, people need to set goals and try to achieve them to gain satisfaction, achievement and happiness.
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