2021-10-22 18:07:25来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语Part2/3高分话题素材:分享 本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!
Describe a time when you shared something with others (or another people) You should say:
What you shared Who you shared with Why you shared it
And explain how you felt about sharing it
I want to describe an experience when I shared an interesting image with my friend.
It was last Sunday that I discovered a set of amusing image on the Internet when I was checking my phone. It was a picture of cute animals, basically owls. In the picture, the creator of the pictures added legs and arms to the owls, so that the birds could be seen like they really do have arms. And it is a gif actually, so the owls were seemed to be doing actions like clapping hands or waving at us. As soon as I I found this set of pictures, I sent it to our friends’ chat, they all seemed so happy because of these pictures. Then one of my friends Julia also sent me a set of similar pictures of rabbits with arms. We were all so happy with the help of these pictures.
After this experience, we think that it was the action of sharing that adds our happiness. I am a person who is fond of sharing, and if I share happiness to others I will feel happier because I can also get praise or just laughter from my friends, and when I feel sad I will also share my sorrows with them, of course they will comfort me with my favorite snacks or speak to me softly, in addition, encouraging me to pull myself up is also a good way of them to make myself feel better. In the future, I think maybe I can share more with them.
Do you like to share?
Yes, I really enjoy sharing. Whenever I see breath-taking scenery I will always take a picture and post it on social media, it makes me feel so great when others also like the photos I take. And there are also circumstances that I find something delicious and I will share it with my best friend, after all we have similar taste, so she will definitely like the food I like.
What are the consequences if children don’t like to share?
Well, maybe they will grow up to be more selfish than others. This might cause some circumstances that people regard that they are so mean and stingy and think that they are not easy to get along with, so that they won't share their stuff with the children who don't like sharing, either.
How you feel about sharing accommodation with others on campus?
I kind of like it, since I am afraid of sleeping alone in the room, sharing the room with others makes me feel safe. Of course there are privacy problems and inevitable disagreements, but I think with adequate communication and understanding students are able to share the accommodation peacefully and happily.
How could parents and teachers teach young children to share?
I think the best way is to teach both in words and by example. If they only tell their children to share with others while not sharing anything to their friends or relatives, children will never listen to them, so action speaks louder than words. They have to become that kind of person that they wish their children to become.
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