2021-10-22 18:03:59来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语Part2/3高分话题素材:微笑的场合 本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!
Describe an occasion when many people were smiling You should say:
When it happened Who you were with What happened
And explain why many people were smiling
An occasion when many people were smiling happened a couple of years ago when my cousin was getting married. My sister and I decided to make a special gift for her wedding. Personally, I love making little cartoon videos and I suggested that we should make a video for her as a wedding gift. She took my advice and we began to work on this project. This video was like a timeline of my cousin’s relationship with her husband and I also imagined what their lives would be like after they got married. We spent a long time making this video, making all the cartoon characters and putting in the music. It took us like one month of hard work to make the video. I was in charge of the drawings and the flash. And my friend was in charge of animation and directing the video. It was pretty fun getting together in a coffee shop and working on the video. It was always better working in a team because each of us had different ideas so there were more options.
So finally came the wedding. After finishing formal activities of the wedding ceremony and enjoying the delicious food, it was time for watching the video. When this video was played, everyone came up smiling and they burst into laughter at some funny parts. We got lots of props from everyone at the wedding as they knew that it was meticulously made and required great efforts.
Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly?
Well, it depends. If the smile is genuine, then it makes people around feel comfortable and the smile can be regarded as an open invitation saying that they are willing to interact with others. In this case, these people appear more friendly. However, some people often flash a fake smile, which clearly conveys rejection to cooperate with others. And certainly, this group of people might not be considered friendly.
Why do most people smile in photographs?
On the one hand, people usually look better and more attractive when they smile. And they tend to choose different poses to make them look good for the camera. On the other hand, the smile indicates happiness so that people try to make these memories colourful after capturing those amazing moments. Afterwards, when they see these old photos, it is likely for them to recall beautiful golden days.
Do women smile more than men? why?
I'm not quite sure about that but I do believe there are differences between men and women when they smile. This is because women have been thought to have more expressive smiles and they may be more willing to show their happiness or excitement in public. Besides, women tend to use smile as a way to defuse tension and build trust with others on various occasions. By contrast, men would be more reserved and not willing to share their feelings, thoughts or emotions in such situation.
Do people smile more when they are younger or older?
I don't think whether a person smiles often or not has something to do with his or her age. Instead, it should depend on one's personality. If a person is outgoing and optimistic, it is more likely for him or her to flash smiles for most of the time. But if one is unwilling to express feelings and emotions, it is natural for him or her to smile less. Moreover, indeed, some old people don't smile often because they may fear that smiling makes the wrinkles around the eyes and mouth more visible.
Do you think old people can control feelings better than younger people?
Yes, I think so. An increase in age helps people better regulate emotions mainly because the elderly have a wealth of past experience in controlling feelings and they've been doing it for a long time. While for the young, they tend to be easily influenced by negative emotions such as depression, anxiety, fear and stress as they don't know how to handle them properly, which may even disrupt their performance in daily tasks.
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