雅思口语Part3 经历类(新题):早起的经历
2021-10-21 17:59:01来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
雅思口语Part3 经历类(新题):早起的经历,本文就针对这个话题为大家分享一些高分回答,供各位同学参考!小编提醒大家在进行雅思学习的时候,多看一些高分素材,对于提升大家的雅思口语丰富度是非常有帮助的!
Do you think getting up early is important?
I think it is important for morning people like me to get up early. Because I do things efficiently in the morning, getting up early makes me more productive. Of course, getting up early should be based on not staying up late, otherwise lack of sleep will harm our health.
Do you know anyone who likes to get up early?
Someone in our family gets up very early. My grandparents wake up early every day because they only need six hours of sleep and they never stay up late. They usually get up at six o'clock every day, and then prepare breakfast for me before going for a walk in the park.
What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?
Well, there are lots of occasions need people to arrive early. In daily life, young people go to school or work very early every day. There are also many special circumstances such as catching an early flight, preparing for an exam and so on. In general, people will arrive early for occasions that they consider important.
Why do people get up early?
I think this needs to be discussed on a case-by-case basis. The most common reason for young people to get up early is because they have to go to school or work. In a big city like Shanghai, people live in various parts of the city. It is very common for people to commute for an hour. So young people get up early to make sure they won't be late after commute for a long time. The elderly need shorter sleep time. For example, my grandparents can wake up naturally after only six hours of sleep a day, and since they never stay up late, they get up earlytoo.
Why do people prefer to have meetings in the morning?
In the morning before all work starts, people's brains will not feel particularly tired, so during the meeting is very suitable for brainstorming and come up with new ideas. If this is a problem-solving meeting, the proposed improvement methods can be implemented in one day's work. For those who work in multinational companies, morning meetings can allow them and colleagues far away on the other side of the earth to be in the daytime at the same time, which can achieve the purpose of remote collaboration.
What kinds of people like to stay up late?
My mother often tells me that staying up late is because some people don’t have a fulfilling day, hoping to stay up late at night to take back the lost time. I agree with her. For people with insomnia, they are forced to stay up late because it is difficult for them to fall asleep before exhaustion. In addition, for those night owls, the time at night allows them to study or work more efficiently, and these people usually choose to stay up late as well.
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