雅思口语新题答案:汽车旅行 Car trip
2021-10-20 16:00:06来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语新题答案:汽车旅行 Car trip 本文为大家整理雅思口语可以用到的话题素材,供大家参考学习!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育!
汽车旅行 Car trip
1) Do you like to travel by car?
2) Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?
3) Do you like to sit in the front or back when traveling by car?
4) When do you travel by car?
1) I am someone who likes to travel by car much more than any other transportation method. So the main reason might be I am someone who takes all of my stuff all around with me during the travelling. This means that if I take a train or a flight, it is super difficult for me to carry those stuff properly. The other reason is I think travelling starts at the time you step out of your home, so I also enjoy the view on the way driving to the destination.
2) I remember the farthest place I have travelled to by car is Huangshan. It is a mountain range in southern Anhui province in eastern China. It took us about 7 hours to get there, and my dad drove the most with very little rest. One of my family friends invited us there. We first only go to a small village beside the Huangshan, since it is also a famous tourist attraction in Huangshan province; besides, none of us can say they can easily get to the top of the mountain. The story ends with we didn't successfully get to the mountain since I suddenly got ill at the night that we finally decided to go the next day.
3) I love sitting in the front; instead of saying I prefer, I would say it's my only choice to sit in the front due to the physical problem. I always feel really dizzy and even puke when sitting in a car especially sitting at the back. so after telling my friends and my parents about this, they always leave the front seat for me. They are so nice for doing that, and I really appreciate that. Besides, I feel sitting at the front actually gives a better view to me, and allowed me to take a lot of nice pictures on a car.
4) It depends, cuz I don’t have a car personally. The only way for me to travel by car is either my parents are driving or my friends. The time that might cause us want to and decide to travel by car is mainly due to two reason: one is there are too much to carry with, and the second one might be the inconveniency to get the destination, either it is a wonderland, a beach or the skiing mountain.
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