2021-09-29 14:56:31来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
Describe an famous athlete that you know You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her What he/she has achieved
And explain why he/she is famous
I would like to talk about a well-known shooting athlete who participated in 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
I knew her occasionally when I was watching the Olympics on tv, I found that young female won bur quite calm unlike other athletes who would cry out with excitement. So she successfully caught my attention and then I could see her on many social media applications frequently. When it comes to her achievements, she won the first gold medal for China and also got another gold medal in the pair competition. In the interview, her father said that he never assumed that she would behave so well in the first attempt. Besides, she was also a student in the one of the best universities in China, Qing Hua college. I still could remember that competition that she when she took every shot with equanimity, even if there was a little mistake. It was her strong heart that could help her accomplish such crucial competition. After she got the first gold medal for our country, her hairpins and nails were in vogue among people. The hairpins were even out of stock.
There are several reasons for why she becomes so renowned. To begin with, she strived for the first medal in the spotlight of the public and was also quite young. Apart from this, it was her first competing in Olympics as well as she was a student of the top university, as a result of which, a majority of people think she is an all-round talent.
What kinds of sports are popular in China?
I reckon that ping-pong is in vogue in china,in that there are a multitude of athletes who play this sport won a lot of medals in the Olympic games. People in china invariably regard ping-pong as our nation ball,therefore,almost all people especially the old will play ping-pong in their own community as an entertainment,meanwhile they can cultivate the young generation.
What kinds of exercises do Chinese people like?
Actually,it depends on different age. As for teenagers, they probably are liable to basketball or football, because they always gain a sense of accomplishment after winning the game. But when it comes to adults, they might be likely to jog, the crucial reason is that they can’t stand some high-strength sports, instead, their preference goes to those sport activities which are less intense such as running or swimming so that they won’t be exhausted after doing that.
What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?
Frankly speaking, I deem that a sportsman ought to have terrific skills so that they have opportunities to win the champion. Also they should be equipped with strong mind and willpower in that they might face some troubles such as injury or mistakes. They won’t overcome these if they are vulnerable.
What's the best way to become a top athlete?
To be honest, apart from those who have fabulous talents, an experienced coach will greatly exploit athletes’ potential, which means that sportsmen will enhance themselves by proper training. Hence, I regard that the training methods from professionals is the most fundamental way to be the best players at first. Nevertheless, personal conditions are also crucial to be an outstanding athlete.
Why are there so few top athletes?
Owing to the reason that top players should not only be equipped with professional skills, but also need strong mentality, which means that they have to smoothly pull through barriers rather than be stuck in confusion. It’s really tough for players to have both strong physical and psychological condition, therefore that’s one of crucial reasons why there are few top sportsmen. Besides, the training fee is quite high to be an outstanding athlete.
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