2021-09-29 14:43:34来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:
Describe a creative person whose work you admire You should say:
Who this person is How you knew he/she
What creative things he/she has done
And explain why you think he/she is creative
The creative person I admire very much is my college tutor. His name is Kimi. I came into formal contact with my academic advisor in my sophomore year. Because everyone needs to write a graduation thesis before graduation, each student will be assigned a teacher for guidance. The reason why I say my tutor is a very creative person is that he is young but has already made many academic achievements. For example, he has published articles as the first author in many influential international journals. He always has his own unique and advanced views on the construction of theoretical models, and can better respond to problems in real life and put forward creative and tried solutions, His research fields are mainly related to government investment and innovation and entrepreneurship. As a young teacher, he has made a lot of scientific research achievements. During his undergraduate study, he has always been an example for me. At the same time, he is also happy to communicate with students and people from all walks of life and share the latest ideas and views. I think this is probably one of the reasons why he is so creative.
I was very impressed that when we held an academic seminar, Kimi was always able to come up with a highly feasible solution to the bottlenecks encountered by the seniors in their respective research fields after some thinking and logical reasoning. I think this is also an embodiment of strong creativity. Creativity is not only reflected in practical ability, such as handcraft or other inventions. From my personal point of view, a steady stream of new ideas is also one of the manifestations of creativity. Of course, it is undeniable that these need a high level of knowledge and personal ability as support.
Do you think you are a creative person?
I don't think I am a particularly creative person. I should have more learning ability than creativity. I seldom have a new idea or inspiration in my mind. Usually, I play the role of execution or imitation in the team. I think creativity requires a strong knowledge system or rich insight to often have new ideas. In the future, perhaps I need further learning and knowledge accumulation, and maybe one day I will have a creative achievement.
Is it good for children to learn arts?
Personally, I think it's a good thing for children to learn art, but parents and teachers need to cultivate them according to their own interests, not compulsively. Art can effectively improve children's aesthetics and cultivate their sentiment. Although the process of learning art may not be comfortable, when children grow up, they will have an additional skill that can relax and delight their body and mind. In conclusion, Art can help us better find the beauty in life.
What kinds of jobs need creative ability?
Creative work is mainly concentrated in the art industry, such as painters, musicians, sculptors, dancers and so on. Of course, there are other industries that also need to have some creativity, such as programmers, media workers, brand marketers, etc. In fact, from my point of view, any job, as long as it is not mechanical repetition, needs a certain creative process, so as to improve the overall work efficiency and obtain better workresults.
Do you think leaders need to have creative ability?
Of course, I think a good leader needs to be creative, because leaders have the responsibility to see the possible problems in the enterprise or team in advance and put forward innovative ideas from a strategic perspective, so as to correct the previous problems or avoid some mistakes. In addition, Creative leaders can lead enterprises and teams to continuously develop new products and services, and even drive economic development.
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