2021-09-25 16:43:05来源:未知作者: 小美阅读量:
Describe a person you dislike but have to be friendly with
You should say:
• Who he/ she was
• What the person is like
• Why you didn't like him or her
• And explain why you have to friendly to him or her
举个例子,我可能原本想从"dressing style"上来说一个人有时尚、有品味;而现在在这道题里,我可能就会去说他究竟是多么的邋遢、多么的脏乱。
01、Who he/ she is
Name 名字
这个维度经常被大家忽略,就觉得名字没什么好讲的。但你要注意的是,名字可以分为:中文名、英文名、小名以及绰号 (nickname)。
Example :
A person that comes to mind is my foreign tutor, Bob, from the U.S. He is tall and a bit overweight with bald hair 秃头. Because of this, we nicknamed 取绰号 him the White Egg. He was really angry about the name when he first heard about it and thought we were really horrible and offensive students.
Family background 家庭背景
Example :
A person that comes to mind is my roomie, Lucy. She is from a wealthy 富裕的 family, so she is spoiled 宠溺 by her parents. Just from the clothes she wears, you can see that she enjoys a very lavish 奢侈的 lifestyle.
Marital status 婚姻状况
A person that comes to mind is my neighbor, an old-aged 老年的 man, who must be getting on for 接近 70. He lives alone and his wife passed away 10 years ago. As his children don’t want to look after him, he takes care of himself. Because of this, his clothes are always dirty and he always has very unkempt 蓬乱的 hair.
How you know the person 你怎么知道这个人的
鉴于剩余三个小问没有问到你和这个人的认识过程,你就可以把"How you know the person"作为一个维度放在第一小问里来补充信息。为此,你需要给到我:
step one: 你第一次是怎么知道这个人的(哪个时间点/通过谁/或者在哪个地方)
step two: 你对他的第一印象(可以是给你留下好的印象,也可以是不好的)
step three: 之后是怎么进一步接触的(线上?线下)+你们目前的关系
Example :
A person that comes to mind is a 5-year-old boy, living next door to me. The first time I met him was when his family moved to our neighborhood. His parents brought him to my home and gave us some hand-made cookies as a gift. I was touched by their kind gesture 善意的举止. Ever since then, when his parents are busy, he comes over to my house.
02、What the person is like
Most people think he is a very kind-hearted person who likes to offer help to others when they are in need. However, I think he is a bit two-faced 两面派的. He always talks about people behind their backs 背后说人坏话. I remember once he helped a junior to revise. When he came back, he started complaining about how stupid he was. I was really shocked by his words.
She used to be a very outgoing and optimistic girl who always had a smile on her face and liked to chat with others. However, ever since she was dumped 被甩 by her boyfriend. She has changed a lot. There is no smile and it is very depressing chatting with her, as she is very pessimistic about everything.
When we first met, I thought she was very warm-hearted and hospitable 热情好客的. She helped me carry my heavy suitcases and even prepared small gifts for me. However, when we got to know each other a bit better, I found out that, actually, she was a very mean 刻薄的 and demanding 苛刻的 person. She always asks people to do things for her but she never says Thank you. Sometimes, she uses our personal stuff without asking.
按"How you know the person"的结构来
Example two:
The first time I met him was in our first class. At that time, I thought he was a nice and gentle person who wore formal suits with polished leather shoes. However, I was completely wrong. When I had more classes with him, I realized that he was a very mean person, and soon became my least favorite teacher.
03、Why you dislike the person
Example one:
Another reason why I dislike him is because of his self-centeredness 以自我为中心. He is a night owl 夜猫子 who always stays up for the whole night while playing video games. More annoyingly, he plays music loudly even at midnight without considering that we are sleeping. He is also the troublemaker of our dorm. He leaves the place a mess 糟乱 and just drops his rubbish on the floor.
Example two:
Another reason why I dislike her is that she is not an honest person and she always cheats in the exam. When we are busy preparing for the exams, she tries every trick in the book 想尽各种办法 to cheat. Once she tried to bring her notes into the exams by hiding up her sleeve. Surprisingly, she has never been caught.
Example three:
I dislike him as he is bad-tempered 脾气差的. He always scolds 训斥 students in the exams when they can’t cope with a question and even calls them idiots. He never gives students encouragement, instead, he always tells us how bad we are. Because of this, most of my friends feel very stressed. In addition, he is very impatient. When we ask him questions, he gets irritated 变的恼怒 easily and very upset if we disturb him during his break. I am so frustrated that he is our teacher.
04、Why you have to be friendly to him/ her
Example one:
Even though I can’t tolerate 无法忍受 him, I need to be very friendly and polite to him, as he is still my teacher who grades my work and assesses 评定 me. He is the kind of person to bear a grudge 记仇, so I am afraid that if I am not polite and respectful, he will give me a low score. It has already happened to several of my classmates.
Example two:
Even though I can’t stand 无法忍受 him at all, I bite my tongue 忍气吞声 and am still friendly, as we still need to share the room for another year. If we have any conflicts during the period, I think it will be very embarrassing and awkward. In addition, as there are so many murder cases 谋杀案 in recent years happening in the dormitories, I am afraid that maybe he will do something bad to me as well. In order to keep safe, I think being friendly is the best way.
Example three:
Even though I dislike him, I still have to be friendly to him just because my parents asked me to do so. They always tell me that being polite to senior people is a kind of courtesy 礼仪. No matter how much he is driving me mad, I should tolerate it, or it looks bad for my parents. I don’t really understand it, but I I do it, just to keep my parents happy.
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