雅思口语8分示范丨谈谈中秋佳节(雅思口语Part 2&3)
2021-09-22 09:30:55来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:
雅思口语8分示范丨谈谈中秋佳节(雅思口语Part 2&3)!中秋节自古便有祭月、赏月、拜月、吃月饼、赏桂花、饮桂花酒等习俗,流传至今,经久不息。中秋节以月之圆兆人之团圆。
节庆、文化乃雅思口语Part 2 & 3的常考话题
Part 2Describe an interesting tradition in your countryYou should say:What the tradition isWhen do you celebrate itHow you celebrate itand explain why it is interesting
思路分析很多同学看到题目中的interesting tradition之后,会非常容易陷入无尽的自我纠结:“我到底要讲哪一个传统呢?”,“春节?但春节太俗了,考官肯定听过很多了,恩,要讲一个不一样的!”,“还要有趣,有什么有趣的传统…”,“赛龙舟!...但又不知道怎么说…” 有多少人这么做过?默默地举个小手! 一分钟准备时间过后,考官让开始,同学们就开启“瞎编”模式。这样的准备方向都错了!观点新奇一定也是建立在英语的流畅表达上! 备考的时候,同学们要充分利用卡片上的提示,即分别回答四个小问题。针对“有趣传统”这一题目,其中第三和第四问(how you celebrite / why it is interesting)明显给考生机会去陈述事实或讲自己的故事。这样轻松确保有话可说+回答时长是够的。另外,你也有了容易表达的角度。
中秋节 Mid-Autumn FestivalWhat it is:It takes its name from the fact that it is always celebrated in the middle of the autumn season. Romantically speaking, the festival is to commemorate Chang E,who in order to protect her beloved husband, ate it herself and flew to themoon. How to celebrate/Why it’s interesting:Onthe festival day, family members gather to offer sacrifice to the moon,appreciate the bright full moon, eat moon cakes, and express strong yearningstoward family members and friends who live afar. Moon CakeThe Moon Cake is the special food ofMid-Autumn Festival. On that day, people sacrifice moon cakes to the moon as anoffering and eat them for celebration.
Part 3Whats the most important tradition in yourcountry?Why is it important to protect traditions?
答案示范Well, among all the long-established traditionsin China, the most valuable one, I think, is the respect to eldly people. Thistradition is quite different from that in western countries. As far as I know, Westernpeople treasure the concept of equality, between different genders and betweendifferent generations of course. But almost all Chinese people are supposed tofollow the instructions from their parents, grandparents or teachers. It is rather hard to say which of the two traditionsis better or worse. It's just different ways of thoughts.
To protect traditions is actually aimed at preservingculture. If all countries have the same way of thoughts, well yes it might dissolvemisunderstanding between nations, but the diversity of the world will also bedeprived of, which is definitely not a good thing to happen. At least for me, Iwant to see more about the difference when I travel to a new place, instead ofjust finding people from other countries think and behave in same way as I do.So every country should find every possible way to keep their traditions intactto make themself individual and distinguishable.
Part 3What kinds of traditions have disappearedin your country?What can governments do to protecttraditions?
答案示范Well, honestly I don't think any traditionhas COMPLETELY died out here in China, but a considerable number of them havecertainly become a lot less visible and a lot less observed than before. One ofthem is the buring of 'joss paper', or 'ghost money' as offerings to thedeceased by their relatives on holidays and special occasions. With the shiftin people's ideology and urbanisation, I do not think many people are stilldoing this, I mean, certainly not in big cities. Personally I think this is apositive development. I think there are several ways thegovernment can go about to protect traditions. The first setp is to identify what traditions should be positively protected and preserved. Then, I believeschools are the best place to teach children and teenagers about the importanceof perserving traditions, and the government should certainly start investingin various school programmes and workshops that help young people becomefamiliar with their society's traditions, customs and old ways of life. Also,the government should fund public events, festivals and celebrations associatedwith history and traditions in order to make the general public more interestedand more involved in preserving traditions.
Part 3Why should children learn about traditions?
答案示范Why it is important for children to learntradition? I think it’s a question that needs a bit of insight to explore. First, tradition is not something that,like many people would believe, has been around for centuries and has stayedfixed. In fact it’s been changing all the time. Chinese in ancient times neverate chili, because then it was not available in China. It was not until athousand years later, was chili brought into China from South America. And itbecame a key ingredient in Southwestern Chinese cooking. This means thattradition would change, and during these changes, they would develop andbenefit people.
So go back to the question why childrenshould learn tradition. Because children are the future, and they are thepeople who will bring wonderful changes to traditions and various customs, orin other cases they are more likely to accept new things so that the traditionhas a chance to be developed. Of course not all changes are necessarily good,so the children should learn the existing ones in depth. This will help themacquire the right ability to tell what change will be good and what change canfit into their cultures and communities.
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