雅思口语Part1常考高频题目-Math (数学)

2021-09-09 15:52:15来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

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雅思口语Part1常考高频题目-Math (数学)

  Math (数学)

  1. When did you start to learn math?

  Well, I started to learn math at a very young age. We had basic math courses in kindergarten, and that was when I began to learn math. And I have been learning math ever since.

  2. Do you have to learn it?

  Actually, I do. Math is a compulsory course in our curriculum from primary school to secondary school,so I have been studying math for about ten years.

  3. Do you use calculator?

  Actually, we were not allowed to use a calculator in high school. But now I am studying advanced math and accounting in university, and we can use a calculator if we need to.

  4. Do you think learning math is important?

  Yes, math is indeed important. Although we may not need to use advanced math all the time, but we do need math knowledge in our daily affairs, such as buying and selling things. And professionals need math to solve some more complex problems.




