雅思口语Part1高考考题分享-Wild animals (野生动物)

2021-09-07 14:52:30来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思口语Part1高考考题分享-Wild animals (野生动物)  我们迎来了9月变题季,各位烤鸭们你们准备好接受新题了吗?下面小编会为大家分享雅思口语常考高频题目,大家记得要提前准备哦!更多雅思备考干货,请关注环球教育

雅思口语Part1高考考题分享-Wild animals (野生动物)

  Wild animals (野生动物)

  1. Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?

  Yeah, especially programs about marine animals. I found them very soothing. I enjoy watching sea turtles and fishes swimming freely in the deep ocean. It can always calm me down when I'm stressed out.

  2. Did you learn something about wild animals at school?

  Yeah, my biology teacher taught me about whales. They are so majestic. Maybe it has something to do with the江size. Plus, they're highly intelligent and family-oriented creatures. It's believed that they even have their own languages!

  3. Where can you see wild animals?

  We can see a lot of wild animals in the zoo. But I feel sad seeing them in cages. In my op血on, wild animals should not be in captivity unless they have some sort of injury.

  4. In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?

  Africa is one of the most famous country for seeing wild animals. I've never been there before, but I've watched a documentary about Africa. You can see wild rhinos, elephants, tigers and giraffes there.




