雅思口语Part2有话说 |8分素材之街市

2021-09-02 10:46:56来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  雅思口语Part2有话说 |8分素材之街市,有逛过街市的同学应该比较好上手,选择其中一个感兴趣的商铺进行细说即可;对于没有了解的同学可以想想商场周边的小街市如杭州嘉里中心外围一圈的街市。通常都会售卖比较有特色的手工物品、小吃、二手物品等。


  I’m fascinated with open-air market cuz I can always find a lot of unexpected good things, and at the same time, bargaining with the stall owner is also a very interesting experience.

  The summer before last year, my friends and I went to Phuket island for an independent travel. The most enjoyable part of the trip was that we could buy many novel things and eat many tasty foods we had never tried before.

  One night, after a bonfire party, we were starving and decided to grab something to eat, so we went to a famous night market nearby called Patpong Night Market. We wandered around the fair, which was the size of two football fields. There were people selling clothes, local products, crafts, tattooing and performing street magic. Then, a very vibrant uncle who could speak Chinese pulled us over. We looked around and found it was a stall selling fried insects. It was the first time I saw fried insects, there were fried grasshoppers, fried spiders, fried geckos, fried frogs, and I was really scared at first, thinking how could anyone eat these stuff. I tried to sneak out my phone to take pictures of those bizarre food, but the boss said in perfectly cropped Chinese, “Welcome to take photos.”

雅思口语Part2有话说 |8分素材之街市

  The insects looked so disgusting, and the boss noticed our embarrassment and gave us a bunch of fried cockroaches to taste. At first, I refused, but the boss was so enthusiastic. My peers also tried it one after another, and they all said it was delicious. I held my nose and mustered the courage to take my first bite. To my surprise, it tasted good, like eating sticky gummy candies. So I decided to try more and bought every kinds.

  I think it’s a wonderful experience I will never forget, and I wonder when I can try it again.


  open-air market 开放市场

  stall owner 商贩

  novel things 新鲜事物

  vibrant 有活力的(热情的)

  enthusiastic 热情的

  mustered the courage 鼓起勇气


