
2021-08-25 10:43:14来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


  1.Are films a waste of money?

  In my opinion, films are a great use of money. If the question means for those funding the films, the answer's no: usually they make their money back and it's all privately funded anyway. If the question means for consumers, then still no: I love movies and I think they add a little more joy to the world, which has never been a bad thing.

  a great use of money 费钱

  fund  资助

  privately funded 私人资助的

  2.Are movie stars important to a movie?

  I'd like to say movie stars aren't, but in reality that's not the case. They help sell the movie to the viewers, and we all have our favourite movie stars who we like seeing no matter what they're in. That said, I wonder if it makes it a little harder to believe in a fictional world when you're really seeing an actor as the star they are rather than the character they play.

  that's not the case 情况不是这样

  fictional world 科幻世界


  3.Are foreign movies popular in China?

  I'm not really sure if I'm honest, but if I had to guess I'd say yes. I think (and I might be wrong) that the Chinese government only allows a certain number of foreign movies to be shown in China a year because they want to retain their own cultural values, and movies can sometimes make for effective cultural propaganda. However, I'm sure the foreign movies that do get played in China are popular because, let's be honest, America knows how to make a good movie - they've had lots of practice.

  retain 保持

  cultural values 文化价值

  propaganda 宣传

  4.Is it important that a country that has its own movies?

  I think it is important, because movies are such a ubiquitous part of life nowadays. If a country doesn't produce its own movies, then that country's culture is at risk of taking a backseat to the culture represented in the majority of movies - i.e. American culture. It's already obvious that American culture has spread all over the world just as a result of its movies.


  at risk 危机

  taking a backseat 退居二线

  represent 代表

  spread 延伸



