
2021-08-19 16:36:05来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:





  1. Is there many furniture in your room?

  No, not really, there’s only a desk, a small table and a bed really. Oh, and I also have a bedside table with a lamp on it. I use this to keep some books on. I like reading thriller novels, you see, and I often read in bed before going to sleep so the bedside table and lamp is quite handy.

  2. What kind of furniture would you like to buy?

  I’d really like to buy a bookshelf. I have a growing collection of books. Print books. And I would like to store them on a proper bookshelf, rather than just piling them up in the corner of the room or on my bedside table which I do at the moment. So, yeah, a bookshelf, a nice wooden bookshelf would be nice in my room and keep it a bit more tidy and enable me to organise my books properly.

  3. Who has bought or gave furniture to you?

  My parents have usually bought furniture for my room, actually. We’ve always lived in quite small places so I’ve never really had much furniture, but they bought me a bookshelf, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers for my clothes and things like this. My uncle once bought be a really nice chair actually, a sort of desk-chair so I could be more comfortable when I’m studying.



