
2021-08-19 09:21:28来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:




  I’d like to describe a movie I like very much which is called The Butterfly Effect. It tells a story of a boy who often has blackouts in his childhood. So the doctor suggests that he keep a journal of the things he can’t remember experiencing. When he is in college many years later, he happens to read the things in his journal and somehow, he winds up revisiting the events he has no memory of.

  I watched it several years ago, when I was still living in my old apartment in Shanghai. I remember I was really bored that day and wanted to watch a movie to pass time. So I looked on the Internet and found this movie that had the best reviews. At the beginning of the movie, things went very slowly, which made me think maybe I selected the wrong movie. However, as the story unwound, it gradually drew me in and I was totally captivated by the plot.


  Finally, let me explain why I like this movie so much. First of all, the movie is a combination of science fiction and thriller, both of which are my favorite genres. In other words, I like something mysterious and imaginative that keeps me in suspense. I mean it’s really fascinating to learn how changing the past affects the present. Also, I admire Evan, the main character for his courage and determination. In the movie, in order to save this girl, he just keeps going back to the past running a risk of losing his own life. I think he is another reason why I like this movie so much.


  winds up 最终

  reviews 评分

  as the story unwound 随着故事的展开

  drew me in 吸引我

  was captivated by 被……迷住

  genres 种类


