
2021-08-18 17:01:05来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1. What’s the difference between the city and the countryside?

  Well, there’s loads of differences. A key difference is the peace and quiet of the countryside compared to the noise, the hustle and bustle of the city. Secondly, and more obviously, cities are more developed and have way better facilities and are usually more international, whereas country places are more limited in these regards. You can’t explore international restaurants and enjoy good hospitals and sports facilities in the countryside like you can in the big cities!

  2. Some people say that large cities are suitable for old people. What do you think of it?

  In some ways, maybe. Some older people prefer to be in larger cities, just because that is what they are familiar with – also because they want better hospital facilities and transport facilities, which you don’t really get in the country towns. There are also a lot of older people who favour living in smaller towns because it’s more relaxing, more peaceful and much less noisy and bothersome. To some extent it depends on their personality and preferences.

  3. Do you think it is possible that all the people should move to cities?

  No not really. I think there are still a lot of people who enjoy country life, and especially farmers and people who work with the land and grow crops and raise cattle, their livelihood depends on living in the countryside. And many are happy with that if their businesses are going well enough.

  4. Do you think people in the countryside are friendlier than people in the city?

  To a great extent I think so. In country places everyone knows everyone so there tends to be more trust between people. They are often warmer and have more time for strangers or visitors, partly because they run on their own schedules and are not constricted by the working hours and office-lives of the city. Also life is less stressful in some ways, so people tend to be less competitive and therefore more open and friendly.



