
2021-08-16 15:31:41来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:





  1. Did you have a picnic when you were a child?

  Yes, I had lots of picnics, and I’ve always quite enjoyed picnics. Often, I would have a picnic in the park with my grandparents on weekends. Well, I’m not sure you’d call it a picnic in the “western” sense of the word – I mean, I’ve seen such picnics in books – sandwiches and things in a basket on a cloth on the grass – it wasn’t a picnic like this, but in the local park there were stands where you could buy cooked meat on sticks, we call it ‘quanr’, and we would buy those, and drinks and sit at the tables in the park and eat them. I guess you’d call that a picnic really!

  2. How often do you go on a picnic now?

  The kind of picnic I described above, eating meat on sticks at a local park or on a seated area outside an eatery in the street, I have fairly often actually. Sometimes I take snacks like apples and snack bars and random foods and eat them outside, but not so often. In my culture there are so many restaurants, catering for varying income brackets, that we don’t tend to have picnics so often really. There’s always a place to eat snacks, almost wherever you go in China! And a massive variety of different foods and snacks too. So we don’t eat actual picnics so often really.

  3. Where do people around you have a picnic?

  Most people don’t really have picnics. It’s a big trend now to order food online and you can get it delivered almost anywhere. The closest thing to a picnic is probably buying cooked snacks at street stalls or in a local park, I’d say.

  4. Are there any difference between having a picnic outside and cooking at home?

  Yes, of course. A picnic is always outdoors, for starters! And cooking at home is a very different thing. Cooking at home is basically just a normal home meal, and a picnic is usually a snack outdoors. That’s the main difference, and it’s quite a big difference really!



