
2021-08-13 13:57:51来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:





  1. Do you recycle things now?

  I don’t recycle much myself. I’ll tell you why. Usually, to be honest, in China, there are a lot of people who will sort through your rubbish after you throw it out, and then they go off and recycle the bottles and different things like metal and plastics and so on. It’s sort of a form of recycling really. But it’s not down to the individual at home – it’s something that garbage collectors and poorer people do who collect the rubbish.

  2. Did you recycle things when you were young?

  We were taught about recycling, like not using new plastic bags every time we go shopping and things like this. That’s about it really. I didn’t really do a lot more than this in regards to recycling.

  3. Will you recycle things in the future?

  I think as society continues to develop individuals like myself will recycle more and more and be told by the government to separate our rubbish into different sections, like I’ve seen in Europe when I was there studying.



