
2021-08-12 14:52:31来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  Describe an experience when you changed your opinion.

  You should say:

  When it was

  What your original choice was

  Why you changed it

  And explain how you felt about it

  This is a curious question, because, in fact, there are a few times when I changed my opinion about things. The time that really sticks in mind is when I went to the USA on a trip. But, first, let me give you the background: most of my life I thought that American food was just fast food and junk food like burgers and fries and coca cola and things like this, perhaps also pizza and other similar types of food. I really thought that most westerners, and indeed Americans in particular, only really ate this kind of food – you know, that it was their main diet. Also, because so many Americans are so fat. Some are really enormous. I really was convinced that western food only really consisted of unhealthy burgers and fries and junk food. I think most of my friends and peers always thought the same, and maybe many of them still do. Well, anyway, I went to New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Seattle on a month-long trip to the USA. In fact, it was a work trip - you see, I’m a computer programmer and I have a job with Baidu and I work part of the time in Shangdi, in Beijing, in the head office, and a few months a year in the US. Anyway, the time I’m talking about was my first trip to the USA. So, I went with this conception in my mind that the food would be all junk food and I was convinced about my opinion being correct. I’d never thought otherwise. It was to my great surprise when I arrived in New York City, that I found a lot of my American co-workers dining in a wide variety of restaurants and eateries. Not all fancy or expensive, either. I realized very quickly that there is a massive range of different foods in the USA, and most people don’t actually eat or order burgers and fries at all – or maybe only when they’re in a rush and need a quick take-out to go back to the office. Even in Grand Central Station there is an Oyster Bar and loads of seafood stalls and restaurants – I honestly couldn’t believe it! And that’s only a railway station! People were eating lobsters and salads and Israeli food and all sorts of middle eastern dishes that are really healthy too! Comparing that with the pot noodles and KFC at Beijing railway stations, I started to challenge my preconception about Americans and their attitude to food. I then realized that my idea that all Americans and all Westerners ate junk food, was a sweeping generalization. And, therefore, I changed my opinion.



