雅思口语高分素材积累Part 2:海边休闲活动

2021-08-12 14:41:38来源:网络作者: 小橙阅读量:

  雅思口语高分素材积累Part 2:海边休闲活动,对于雅思口语来说,短时间想要提升其实并不容易,口语要靠平时的素材积累,当你的素材积累到一定程度,加上不断的练习,你会在口语上得到满意的成绩。练习口语的时候,可以咨询专业的老师帮你指导,这样也能进步的更快。因此为了帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语,小编在这里给大家分享了一些口语高分素材,希望可以对大家有帮助。


  Describe a leisure activity on/near the sea.

  You should say:

  What it is

  When you did this activity

  How you did it

  And explain how you feel about it

  1 Why do some people like water sports?

  2 Do you think the government should invest money in developing facilities for water sports?

  3 What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?

  4 Do you think human activity is posing a threat to the ocean?

  5 Why do children prefer to spend time near the sea?







  1 为什么有些人喜欢水上运动?

  2 你认为政府是否应该投入资金发展水上运动的设施?

  3 到海边度假有什么好处和坏处?

  4 你认为人类活动对海洋构成了威胁吗?

  5 为什么孩子们喜欢在海边呆着?


  A leisure activity that I have enjoyed a lot by the sea, is beach volleyball. This is a great game and very easy to play if you’ve got the right equipment. You need two very long poles and a big net. And, of course, you should be on a beach! There is one particular time that I played beach volleyball that stands out in my mind, because it was so much fun. A group of friends and I had gone to Hainan island, to stay in a small resort by the seaside. The resort was right on the beach, so in the morning, after breakfast, we could go directly onto the sand, see the sea, and go for really pleasant walks. It was a wonderful location. During the day the beach gets a little bit busier and people start doing more energetic activities. My friend suggested that we, too, do something – and said that he heard you could rent a net, poles, and a ball from the hotel resort, for playing beach volleyball. So, we all agreed, and by lunchtime we had the thing set up and we started to play. I had played this game before, well, not on a beach, but on a volleyball court, so I was familiar with the game. However, it’s much more fun on sand because you can slide around and not worry about getting hurt if you fall onto the ground when you are lunging for the ball. It’s a brilliant game, and especially cool when you can see and hear the sea in the background, the sun is shining and the sky is blue, and you have hours of free time to play, take breaks, go have a drink at the hotel, then go back to play another game. I especially like these kind of team activities by the seaside and I think that the seaside is a sort of magical place, really. You can get really into games in an especially leisurely way, in a beautiful setting. There are a lot of activities by or in the sea that you can do in Hainan, but I’d say that beach volleyball is one of the best to do with a group of friends, and is quite easy to set up and get into. We played almost every day around lunchtime and early afternoon on that holiday and it was really fun.

  以上就是小编今天为大家分享的有关雅思口语高分素材积累Part 2:海边休闲活动问题的所有内容,供大家参考。想要提升口语成绩,平时的素材积累是至关重要的。关注环球教育,环球教育暑期雅思班正在报名中,有课程需要的同学可以咨询在线客服了解详情,预约在线试听。


