雅思口语高分素材积累Part 2:认识并尊敬的老人

2021-08-12 11:48:55来源:网络作者: 小橙阅读量:

  雅思口语高分素材积累Part 2:认识并尊敬的老人,对于雅思口语来说,短时间想要提升其实并不容易,口语要靠平时的素材积累,当你的素材积累到一定程度,加上不断的练习,你会在口语上得到满意的成绩。练习口语的时候,可以咨询专业的老师帮你指导,这样也能进步的更快。因此为了帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语,小编在这里给大家分享了一些口语高分素材,希望可以对大家有帮助。


  Describe an old person you know and respect.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  How you know this person

  What he or she is like

  And explain why you respect this person

  1 What kind of things can young people learn from old people?

  2 What qualities does a person need to have when taking care of old people?

  3 Do you think old people should be taken care of at home?







  1 年轻人可以从老人身上学到什么样的东西?

  2 在照顾老人时,一个人需要具备哪些素质?

  3 你认为老人应该在家里得到照顾吗?


  An old person I like is my uncle. Actually, he’s not that old, but he’s about 20 years older than me! He’s around 60 years old, so in many ways he’s quite young, but I always see him as an “old person”, not really because of his age or attitude, but more because he’s always been like a father figure to me in some ways. He’s pretty wise, he has travelled a lot in China and around the world, and has a great understanding of people. He’s never very judgemental of others and has always taught me to consider other people’s feelings, their life experience and their personal history when trying to understand people. I appreciate his insights into life and he’s also got me involved in all sorts of curious hobbies he has, like photography, art, drama and literature. He’s definitely a very cultured person with a strong interest in the arts, and I appreciate this. He’s always been the person I turn to when I fall out with or have disagreements with my parents. He gives good advice, that is also fairly objective, and he is good at resolving disputes. I’ve known him for as long as I can remember, actually, since I was a kid. He only lives a few houses up the road, so we’ve always been close and spend a lot of time together on weekends and during the holidays.

  以上就是小编今天为大家分享的有关雅思口语高分素材积累Part 2:认识并尊敬的老人问题的所有内容,供大家参考。想要提升口语成绩,平时的素材积累是至关重要的。关注环球教育,环球教育暑期雅思班正在报名中,有课程需要的同学可以咨询在线客服了解详情,预约在线试听。


