
2021-08-11 16:03:09来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思口语8分素材:教别人的技能   本文为大家分享雅思口语素材,帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语!环球雅思暑期班报名中,在线即可预约试听



  Describe a skill that you can teach other people

  You should say:

  What it is

  Who you can teach

  How you teach others

  And explain how you feel about teaching others





  About this topic, I think I can teach others how to ride a bicycle, because I have learned how to ride it since I was very young so that I was pretty skillfully.

  I can teach this skill to my friends who can not ride a bicycle. Actually, I did teach my sister how to ride it before. About three years ago, when she was eight years old, we went out together, and then I taught her how to ride the bicycle in a park. At first, I encouraged her to sit on the bicycle, then told her how to control the direction and the brake. I told her that I would hold the bicycle in the back of her, and I promised that I would not wrestle, then I helped my sister start riding. When she slowly found the feeling, I kept trotting after her and encourage her. When I found that she finally had a good balance, I quietly let her ride on her own but I still followed, making her think I was still holding the bike. Ultimately, after practicing for a certain distance, I told her that I had let it go. My sister also found the joy of cycling and fell in love with this sport.

  Through the experience of teaching my sister cycling, I feel that teaching other people skills is an extremely happy thing. It can help others to master a new skill and I can also feel a sense of achievement when I see the happy smile on other people's faces.


  master the skill of…  掌握…的技能

  brake  刹车,制动器

  trot  快步,疾走;小跑

  ultimately  最终,最后

  a sense of achievement  成就感



