
2021-08-11 15:35:18来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思备考素材|雅思口语P3-喜欢的电影    本文为大家分享雅思口语素材,帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语!环球雅思暑期班报名中,在线即可预约试听


  P3 喜欢的电影

  # Are flms a waste of money?No, watching movies isn't a waste of time. You can learn a lot from movies. You get to know about cultures, art, history of places and it's people, their aspirations, their inspirations, their likes, horrors, dislikes, love, war, oddities, whims and so many other things. 2.

  # Are movie stars important to a movie?Yes, drawing upon their own memories and emotionally connecting with them, actors use this “sense memory” to allow their characters to come to life, giving a very realistic performance.

  # Are foreign movies popular in China?Yes, all sorts of films. Hollywood blockbusters, action movies, superhero movies, crime and detective, police dramas, romance… Lots of different genres, really. If I was asked which are the most popular out of all of these, I’d have to say Hollywood Blockbuster action films and superhero movies. These are still really popular with Chinese young people.

  # Is it important that a country has its own movies?Yes, my country has come on in leaps and bounds with its film industry. Although in my honest opinion I think we are copying the Hollywood model too much and films are losing their sense of real meaning. But, yes, the film industry is a big industry in China and an important part of our modern cultural developments.


  cultural value  文化价值

  propaganda  宣传

  star  明星

  Visual effect  视觉效果

  horror movies  恐怖片

  suspense movie  悬疑片

  romance  爱情片

  comedy  喜剧片

  historical films  历史片

  science fiction  科幻片



