
2021-08-10 18:51:10来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1. Are there any other activities that are expensive as well?

  There are quite a few activities that people do that cost quite a lot of money these days. If you get lessons in sport, music or art, outside of school or college, then these can be expensive. Some people attend extra art lessons or music lessons and these cost quite a bit especially if the teacher has a strong reputation or the school is a reputable one. Going out to eat in fancy restaurants, is also, of course, quite expensive. Hobbies like shopping for clothes and fashion brands – these are expensive activities. In fact, many people who live in cities today have to spend money almost as soon as they leave the door of their homes! So many things are expensive in my city. With, perhaps, the exception of public transport and some local street snacks!

  2. Why are some sports really expensive?

  Some sports require a lot of training and equipment. As an example: compare playing basketball with your friends in the playground with doing archery or fencing or some martial arts. When it comes to playing basketball, all you need is a net and a ball and a few friends, and maybe some decent enough sports shoes! But, if you take up a martial art, for example, you need an instructor, a special place to train with a matted floor, special clothes and so on. The same goes for other sports like fencing – you need to invest in coaching and training as well as specialized equipment in a special place. So, you see, that some sports can get quite expensive based on this – training, coaching, equipment and the place where the sport is done. And, needless to say, training and coaching doesn’t come cheaply, because trainers must make money, and the better and more skilled the trainer, the more they will charge.

  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being rich?

  There are lots of advantages and disadvantages – I could list many on both sides. But, the most significant ones in my opinion are – if you’re rich you can afford anything and everything and don’t have to worry about struggling for anything financially. This must be a great liberation and give you an amazing feeling of relaxation too. You also don’t have to answer to one boss, or work for a company long hours, or spend most of your life at work and not with your family. That’s another plus point about being rich. On the downside, if you’re rich, you are more inclined to have other worries – you can be spoilt, lack ambition, lack direction and perhaps even get involved in simply wasting time and not bettering yourself, or self-improving in any way because you’re just comfortable doing whatever you want when you want.

  4. Compared with men, do women are more likely to buy expensive things?

  I think men can be often a bit more relaxed about certain types of spending, yes – especially when it comes to clothes or jewelry or things like this. I don’t think men care as much about fashion, looks or image, or having a fancy hairstyle or branded jewelry, but also I think this is changing and there are a lot of men, especially in big cities, who also care about image and spend a lot of money on expensive watches or even sporty fashion brands. So, perhaps these days, it’s a bit more equal than it was in the past, I’m not entirely sure.



