
2021-08-10 09:44:48来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:


  Describe a plan in your life (that is not related to work or study) You should say:

  What it is about

  Why you make it

  What you need to do first

  And explain how you would feel if it is successful



  I am planning on travelling to Japan or other cities of China after I graduate university. In particular I'd like to spend several months working or just take a trip to study and experience the cultures. I've always really wanted to go see both countries, so it's hard to choose which one to go to but I hope I can see both one day.

  In particular 特别

  If I go to China, I can see the countryside, Xi'an's terracotta soldiers, the Great Wall, Hangzhou, Shanghai and so many more places I always wanted to see. Japan also has many amazing places like Kyoto, Hiroshima, Osaka and Miyajima. I also have friends in both countries I can visit, and maybe I will make new friends as well.

  terracotta soldiers 兵马俑

  Unfortunately, many things are out of my control, such as the borders being closed. Also, I will need to save a lot of money in order to travel. Hopefully, these won't still be problems when I graduate.

  out of my control 失控

  borders being closed 边境关闭

  Like I said, I've always wanted to go, so if I have the opportunity, I'll be overjoyed and will make the most of my time there. I think that when I return home, I'll already be thinking about going back. Although it may be expensive, I hope I can keep travelling during my life.

  overjoyed 狂喜的

  make the most of my time 充分利用我在那的时间



