雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累:想要提高的天赋

2021-08-10 09:14:46来源:网络作者: 小橙阅读量:

  雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累:想要提高的天赋,雅思口语对于中国学生来说是薄弱的地方,有的同学是不知道怎么表达,所以得到的成绩也不怎么理想。还有的同学平时练习感觉自己还可以,在考试的时候也感觉自己发挥的很稳定,但是当考试成绩出来的时候,分数并不高,遇到这种情况往往就是平时的积累或者练习当中出现了问题。口语离不开平时的积累,积累的多了,自然语言表达就不是什么问题。为了帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语,小编在这里给大家分享雅思口语高分素材,供大家积累学习。


  Describe a natural talent you want to improve.

  You should say:

  What it is

  When you discovered it

  How you want to improve it

  And explain how you feel about it

  1 Is it possible for us to know children who are 3 or 4 years old will become musicians and painters when they grow up?

  2 Why do people like to watch talent shows?

  3 Do you think talents artists should focus on improving their talents?







  1 我们有可能知道3、4岁的孩子长大后会成为音乐家和画家吗?

  2 为什么人们喜欢看选秀节目?

  3 你认为才艺表演者应该专注于提高自己的才艺吗?


  Well, I think I have a natural talent for art, mainly drawing and painting. I’ve always been very keen on creative arts, and I’ve been encouraged by my parents from a young age to enjoy drawing and painting. When I first discovered I was good at art was when I was in nursery school, we did a lot of drawing there with coloured pens and pencils. Since then I think I developed a natural sense of perspective and I started to get really into drawing in a more passionate way. It developed into a real hobby, I’d say, and I started to carry a sketch pad around with me as a teenager, I took some extra art classes on the weekend at a local French school, and became really interested in reading and watching documentaries about painters. I joined a sort of painting club at university run by a teacher who was an oil painter. It’s quite hard to paint with oil paints and they’re messy and take a long time to dry, and also there are some really complicated and skilled techniques about how to use them. So… if I had the time to improve a talent that I think I already have, I would take a long and intense course in oil painting… That’s exactly what I would do. I love oil painting, but I can’t seem to be able to do it well, at all. In fact, when I paint with oils, it looks highly unprofessional. I think in life when you have a talent, you need to practice it, but then branch out and take your talent to the next level, which means three things: you’ve got to have a strong sense of motivation, a sense of discipline, and be good at managing your time. I absolutely love art, so I would love to be able to take my hobby and passion to the next level.

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