雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累:很多人在微笑的场合

2021-08-10 09:02:05来源:网络作者: 小橙阅读量:

  雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累:很多人在微笑的场合,雅思口语对于中国学生来说是薄弱的地方,平时练习感觉自己还可以,在考试的时候也感觉自己发挥的很稳定,但是当考试成绩出来的时候,分数并不高,遇到这种情况往往就是平时的积累或者练习当中出现了问题。还有的同学是不知道怎么表达,所以得到的成绩也不怎么理想。口语离不开平时的积累,积累的多了,自然语言表达就不是什么问题。为了帮助大家更好的备考英语口语,小编在这里给大家分享雅思口语高分素材,供大家积累学习。


  Describe an occasion when many people were smiling.

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Who you were with

  What happened

  And explain why many people were smiling

  1 Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly?

  2 Why do most people smile in photographs?

  3 Do people smile more when they are younger or older?







  1 你认为喜欢微笑的人是否更友好?

  2 为什么大多数人在照片上都会微笑?

  3 人们在年轻时或年老时笑得更多吗?


  The time that sticks firmly in my mind when lots of people were smiling in one place, was when a group of us from my university went to see a comedy performance at the local theatre. It was a sort of end-of-semester thing – we went to dinner, then went to see this great Korean comedy show. It was pretty hilarious really, and a sort of slap-stick humour. Lots of costumes and antics on stage, and acrobatics and conjuring tricks too. So, the whole group I went with was really happy for two reasons: firstly because it was the end of the semester and the holiday was about to start, and secondly because it was a particularly amusing show, with lots of variety. Afterwards we went out for drinks and talked about the bits we liked the most. The humour was a little different to the kinds of humour we were used to because it was a Korean performance, and they have a slightly different style of humour, which I found really quite interesting. So, it was kind of nice to do something different for a change, and it gave us an insight into another culture too. I think performances like this should be encouraged more, as they do help you forget about your daily grind, and just let go and enjoy being entertained. I hope that we can find more performances like this, as I think that it’s important to fund and support arts and performance, and it brings people together in a unique way. Because I’m not so into sporting activities, and I don’t really like bars or crowded nightclubs and places like this, I’d like to spend more time with friends going to such performances. I hope they become more popular, as I believe it can bring people together, and humour is a very important aspect of life. It helps us really calm down and makes us realise that life doesn’t always have to be really serious.

  相信大家通过小编分享的雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累:很多人在微笑的场合全部内容,希望可以对大家备考雅思口语有些帮助。关注环球教育,环球教育暑期雅思班正在报名中,如果你想要了解更多课程可以咨询在线客服了解。


