
2021-08-09 21:22:13来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:

  很多考鸭对雅思口语都比较头疼,明明自己已经很用心的备考,但是雅思口语成绩却一直不理想。那么想要提高雅思口语分数,考鸭平时就需要加强对雅思口语素材的积累。下面整理了雅思口语高分素材part2积累:乘公共交通的愉快旅程 ,供雅思考生们参考,希望对大家的雅思口语提分有所帮助,预祝大家早日跟雅思口语说分手!



  Describe an enjoyable journey by public transport.

  You should say:

  Where you were going

  Who you were with

  What happened during the journey

  And explain why it was enjoyable

  I made a really interesting journey by public transport, a few years ago. I’d like to talk about this particular journey because it sticks in my mind really strongly. I wanted to go to Dali, in Yunnan Province. We set off from Kunming, and I wanted to take the bus, so that I could see the countryside and enjoy the scenery along the way. Today you can easily get a flight from Kunming to Dali, but I didn’t want to do this. In fact, I was with 2 friends, and they tried to convince me that getting a flight there was a better idea, but I didn’t want to do it. I pushed my point and insisted that we go to the bus station and find a bus. So, they agreed. You see, I’m really into photography and I write my own blog, and I’d heard that there was lots of amazing and varied scenery on the way from Kunming to Dali, mountain views, winding country roads and all sorts. Anyway, we quite easily got a bus at the bus station and set off around 7am. The bus was a small bus and it was really packed. There wasn’t much room and it wasn’t especially comfortable. But it was okay. The weather was nice, and the other passengers were pleasant, so we were lucky. On the way we chatted, ate snacks and generally enjoyed the scenery as the bus wound through mountain roads and along highways, and through woodland areas, tunnels, and above paddy fields. I loved the scenery. However, my friend started to get motion sickness, and we had to stop the bus a couple of times for him to get out and get some fresh air and he was even sick once. The driver was pretty sympathetic to all of this actually, and the passengers were kind and patient. I must admit I felt a bit guilty because I was the person wanting to go by bus on this long 10 hour cross-country journey, rather than take the plane! Eventually we arrived at Dali, we booked into our hotel (I had already booked it online) and we had a light dinner, some drinks with the owner -a friendly local man with fascinating stories- and we turned in for the night. The rooms were really comfortable and decorated in a traditional Yunnan style. I was really happy we made the trip overland rather than by plane, but I’m not sure my friend who was car-sick felt the same as I!



