雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累事物类:下班/放学后的活动

2021-08-09 12:55:29来源:网络作者: 小橙阅读量:

  雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累事物类:下班/放学后的活动,考过雅思的同学都知道,口语是中国学生的弱项,要想在口语上取得高分,离不开平时的素材积累。事物类题目要求是“often”,可以说一些冷门的兴趣爱好,吸引考官的注意,展示自己的独特之处,但是必须要是自己经常做的事。所以小编在这里为大家总结了高分的素材,供大家积累参考。


  雅思口语Part3 下班/放学后的活动


  Describe an activity you often enjoy doing when your work or school day ends

  You should say:

  What it is

  When do you usually do it

  How you feel about it

  And explain why do you do it

  第一小问“What it is”你下班/放学后做的事情是什么


  第二小问“When do you usually do it”你一般什么时候做这件事

  既然已经设定好是下班/放学之后了,其实给你发挥的空间就没有太多,虽然问的是when,但是为了拓展内容增加细节,可以自行把where和with whom(比如和男/女朋友一起散步啊之类的,如果没有当我没说)一起说进去。

  第三小问“How you feel about it“ 做这件事你感觉如何


  第四小问“explain why do you do it”你为什么喜欢做这件事



  I’d like to describe an activity that I do after work which is jogging. Actually, jogging is quite a popular exercise among Chinese people, and nowadays more and more young people have taken up this activity as a hobby and a way to keep fit. For me, it is definitely a way to stay healthy and release stress.

  Well, I usually go jogging in our community after dinner. My routine is run ten laps, which usually takes me about one and half hours. In fact, I’ve been doing this activity for three years now. I still remember how hard it was when I first started it. I couldn’t keep it up for even 30 minutes. But over time, I got better at it; I guess my body had adapted to this physical task. And now, I can keep running much faster and cover a longer distance compared with when just started.

  Finally, let me talk about how I feel about this activity. I feel absolutely great about this activity. It’s easy and cheap. All I need is just a pair of shoes and I can run anywhere I find suitable. I don’t need to buy any membership or expensive gear. I guess the only catch is the persistence it takes. I also feel that this activity has made me a happy person. I mean life is hard. Your work keeps you busy and you’re constantly under a lot of stress. When you get kids, all of a sudden you have more responsibilities, like cooking for them, reading to them and worrying about their studies. Often, you wish you could rid yourself of all the worries and concerns even if just momentarily. And this is where running comes in. after this activity, I feel refreshed and ready to face everything in a positive manner.


  stay healthy and release stress 保持健康,释放压力

  run ten laps 跑十圈

  physical task 身体锻炼活动

  buy membership or expensive gear 购买会员和昂贵的装备

  the only catch 唯一的问题

  constantly under a lot of stress 持续承受着很大的压力

  rid yourself of all the worries and concerns 摆脱所有的烦恼和忧虑

  in a positive manner 用积极的方式

  以上就是小编为大家整理的有关雅思口语Part 2高分素材积累事物类:下班/放学后的活动的全部内容,希望可以对大家提升自己的口语成绩有帮助。关注环球教育,环球教育暑期雅思班正在报名中,想要了解课程的可以咨询在线客服预约课程试听。


