
2021-08-08 21:44:02来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1. Do you think people should wear formal clothes in the workplace?

  I think that it depends on your type of work. We are not a client-facing company so we tend to dress quite casually in the office. If you work in a client-facing company, or in the service industry then maybe you have to dress in more formal clothes, or even a uniform, when in the office.

  2. Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes?

  There’s a rising trend nowadays of people starting to dress in traditional Chinese clothes, or hanfu. I am not sure if people do it for fun, or whether they want to hark back to their roots, but it can be quite nice to see people in traditional clothing. It helps us remember our roots and our past.

  3. Do you think traditional clothes will disappear in the future?

  No, I don’t. I think there will always be some people who like to wear traditional clothes that remind them of their cultural heritage. I think it’s becoming something people are a bit more aware of today than maybe a few years ago, even.

  4. Do old people often change their dress style?

  Usually old people stick to the same types and styles of clothes as they wore back in their time. There are some really hip and modern older people, however, that like to move with the times and wear more modern fashions, and some of them really look good. It depends on their personality, their background and how important they think it is to keep their finger on the pulse with trends and fashions.



