雅思口语高分素材Part 3积累:环保法律

2021-08-06 17:06:37来源:网络作者: 小橙阅读量:

  烤鸭们雅思考试最担心的部分就是雅思口语考试,很多同学在平时的练习中感觉自己挺好的,但是考试成绩出来之后并不怎么理想。那么如果想要提高雅思口语的关键,就需要平时多积累一些口语素材。下面小编就为大家分享雅思口语高分素材Part 3积累:环保法律,供各位雅思考生们参考,希望可以对大家的雅思口语提分有些帮助。跟着小编一起来看看吧。



  Are there laws about education in China?

  Yes, for example, Nine-year Compulsory Education ensures every child can gain equal change to receive high-quality education free of charge. In addition, I know the news from the newspaper that the Chinese government prepares to issue the policy to encourage the develop of vocational schools because China is lacking highly skilled workers urgently.

  What kinds of rules do schools in China have?

  I think different schools have different rules and regulations. Some schools do not allow mobile phones to appear in the classroom and others prohibit girls to put on makeup during their stay at school. Of course, many schools force students to study continuously in the classroom after the course has been finished.

  What can teachers do to make students obey rules?

  Good teachers will have a heartfelt talk with the students about the significance and importance of some rules and regulations. However, because most students are immature and naïve, they will take some measures to ensure the successful implementation of the rules, such as some punishments and rewards.

  What should parents do to educate children about laws?

  Of course, parents should communicate with their children on a regular basis and make them understand the importance of obeying laws, otherwise they might not afford the serious consequence. In fact, parents should leave their children the chances of making mistakes, which is also very crucial.


  environmental protection 环境保护

  pollute 污染

  recycle 回收

  plastic bags 塑料袋

  conserve 节省

  vegetation 植被

  carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

  global warming 全球变暖

  Sustainable development 可持续发展

  以上就是小编为大家整理有关雅思口语高分素材Part 3累:环保法律的全部内容,希望可以对大家备考雅思口语有帮助。环球雅思暑期班正在报名中,如果你想要了解课程详情,可以咨询者在线客服预约课程试听。


