雅思口语高分素材part1积累:数学与数字(Maths & Numbers)

2021-08-05 18:05:53来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:

  很多考鸭对雅思口语都比较头疼,明明自己已经很用心的备考,但是雅思口语成绩却一直不理想。那么想要提高雅思口语分数,考鸭平时就需要加强对雅思口语素材的积累。下面整理了雅思口语高分素材part1积累:数学与数字(Maths & Numbers),供雅思考生们参考,希望对大家的雅思口语提分有所帮助,预祝大家早日跟雅思口语说分手!


  雅思口语高分素材part1积累:数学与数字(Maths & Numbers)

  Maths & Numbers

  1. Do you like Math?

  Well I wouldn’t say I actually ‘like’ or ‘dislike’ math but I didn’t really enjoy it as a school subject that much. I found it a bit boring but maybe that was more to do with the teachers than the subject itself. I wouldn’t say that math was one of my favourite subjects at school.

  2. Were you good at math at school?

  I wasn’t great but I wasn’t bad, I think I was just ‘bang average’. I never got really high scores but I never failed a math exam, I know that some people are naturally gifted when it comes to math but I’m not one of them. I used to struggle a bit with the really complex math questions in exams, especially things like algebra.

  3. Why do some people think that nowadays math isn’t needed in our daily life?

  I think some people have this attitude because now we all carry mobile phones around and these always have calculators on them. Personally I think it’s rather naïve to say that we don’t need math because we do need basic arithmetic in our lives when we go shopping, when we work out if something is a good deal and so on.

  4. Do you think females are good at math?

  Unfortunately, most girls have a tough time coping with math right from their first grade. I’ve heard so many girls complain that they have no idea what’s going on and have a difficult time understanding the teachers. And the worst part is, once you fall behind, you can’t find a way to catch up.

  5. Do you think math is important as a school subject?

  I think math is still quite a relevant subject. It helps us have better problem-solving skills and gives us the ability to think analytically and have better reasoning abilities. So yeah I think it’s quite important to have a solid foundation in math.

  6. Who taught you math?

  If I remember clearly, the first person who taught me math was my grandfather. We used to sit in his garden counting beans and peas as we collected them. He used to tell me stories about when he was a little boy and how he used to count beans and peas with his grandfather. I guess that’s a tradition we have managed to maintain.

  7. Do you often use a calculator?

  Sure. Calculators assist in accuracy. Because they can help reduce algorithm errors, even if you are excellent at math. Also they save us a lot of energy because they reduce our mental strain!

  8. When did you start learning math?

  Well, I must have been very young and I can’t really remember the exact age. However, I think when I was 3 or 4. According to my mother and the many stories she has told me when I was a baby, I have always loved numbers and I was able to count to 20 from a very young age.

  以上是雅思口语高分素材part1积累:数学与数字(Maths & Numbers),供大家参考。环球教育雅思暑期班正在招生中,想了解详情,请在线咨询。


