
2021-08-05 17:53:05来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  Describe a risk you’ve taken which has a positive result.

  You should say:

  What it was

  Why you took it

  What the result was

  And explain how you felt about this experience

  A risk that I took, which I am actually a bit ashamed of in retrospect, was the time when a friend and I, when we were kids, stole some sweets from a store in my grandma’s hometown. I know, it was a bad thing to do – but I think all kids do things like this occasionally. At the time we had run out of money and really wanted some sweets – we waited for the shopkeeper to leave the shop to go get his lunch, then we quietly crept into the shop, went behind the counter and took some sweets from big jars that were on the shelf at the back. Just as we had taken the sweets, we heard the bell on the door ring, and he was coming back into the shop! The owner had come back really quickly! We dashed through a back door into the store cupboard and we hid there for a short time. Then suddenly a dog started barking!! And the owner came into the back room and saw us there hiding behind some boxes! He was really angry, and asked us to empty our pockets, which we did, and he saw we had stolen a few sweets. He immediately marched us across town to my grandmother’s house, and both of them gave us a huge scolding. That night my grandmother refused to speak to me and for several days after she was really livid – saying we had damaged her good reputation in the village, and made her family lose face. She made me go back to the shop the following day and give the shopkeeper a gift of wine, and offer a more formal apology. I learned a lot from this risk – and although we were just kids having a bit of fun and being naughty, I realized soon after that there are wider implications to this kind of behavior. Anyway, that’s my strongest memory of a risk that I took – and I got myself caught in the act of!!



