
2021-08-04 18:14:18来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1. Who is the head of the family in your culture?

  Well, that really depends. There is no fixed answer today. My country is also a big country with quite a few different types of people from different economic, social and ethnic backgrounds. So, there is some variation. More traditional-minded people still see the father, the man of the house as the head of the family, but in more modern and perhaps international sectors of society there is greater equality. In some families the woman, the mother of the household is very much the one who holds the purse-strings and controls the finances of the family and the domestic life – this is also common in my culture.

  2. Are men better at decision making in a family?

  No, of course not. There are different decisions to be made in life, and to be made by families, and sometimes women are better than men and vice versa. It totally depends on the type of decisions we are talking about as to who might be better at make them.

  3. Should a leader discuss with team members when making decisions?

  I believe that some decisions should indeed be discussed with all members of a team, and other decisions should take place at a higher level and not involve team members. It totally depends on the kind of decisions that we are addressing, their level of confidentiality and whether it is a benefit to the team, the company, or the individuals in the team, to partake in the decision-making process. Generally, I enjoy a very collaborative and task-based company culture, so I like to work in an environment where teams work together and get involved in a certain level of decision-making.

  4. More men than women tend to be leaders today. Do you think this will change in future?

  I think it will change a bit yes. But not too much. When it really boils down to it a lot of women actually don’t want to be top leaders of Fortune 500 Companies I don’t think – just as one example. I think the pressure in some of these leadership roles is way too high and way too intense and totally kills any time that a person has to spend with their family. I think that women are more inclined to want to focus their time and energy on family, and men, by nature are a bit more aggressive, perhaps even cold, and want to climb career ladders more fiercely and ambitiously. These are generalisations, yes, and there are always exceptions, but largely I think there’s some truth in this.



