
2021-08-04 18:04:41来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:





  1. What kinds of things do you like to talk about?

  I love talking! I’m a really social person and I have lots of thoughts and opinions on all sorts of things, so I like to meet friends in a café on the weekends and chat about all sorts of things. I am really into psychology and so I enjoy talking about that kind of thing – you know, why people do things, what motivates people, and so forth. However, I’m also a good listener and enjoy listening to all number of different types of things other people have to say. Even celebrity gossip and silly stuff like this!

  2. Have you changed the way you discuss things since when you were a child?

  Most certainly. Like most children, I wasn’t really good at logically reasoning and discussing things, but was very much driven by my feelings, desires – emotions. As we get older we learn from our family, from school, and from those around us, that we have to listen and construct logical arguments when we are discussing things with people. I also have read a lot over the years since I was younger and I think this helps with critical thinking and discussion skills.

  3. Do you change your opinions frequently?

  I’m not sure how to answer that question. It really depends. If someone present a convincing argument with solid evidence then yes, I might change my opinion on something. However, I can also be quite stubborn and headstrong about my own opinions too and sometimes don’t want to bend or change them for anyone!



