2021-08-03 16:09:12来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:
1. Why are some people willing to help others?
Some people are perhaps more empathetic than others. What I mean is, some people have a greater sympathy and empathy towards the struggles of other people and therefore they feel more motivated to help people out when they see people in need. This is the main reason and motivation for some people being more willing to engage in acts of kindness, especially kindness to strangers and people in need. Other people are less sympathetic, more wrapped up in their own issues and problems, or even nervous or shy about getting involved in other people’s business. This comes from individual personality, upbringing and personal circumstances. Some people are simply in a better position to help others, too.
2. In what kinds of professions do people help others more?
I’d say the most helpful professions are those related to charity or volunteer work, and of course, those in the medical profession. Doctors and nurses are constantly helping others – it’s simply part of the job. Those kind of jobs are basically 100% geared towards helping other people out, as well as working very long hours in quite difficult situations in order to do so. Other professions I can think of might be fire fighters, and people who are in dangerous professions where their lives are put at risk in order to save other people from danger. These are the examples that first come to mind anyway!
3. Who should teach children to help others? Parents or teachers?
Both school and parents should share this responsibility really. Basic moral behavior and understanding of people and society comes from parents, a child’s upbringing from birth, and then school teachers should also instill proper values in children during their education. Children should also be warned about the dangers or risks of being too helpful – there’s a fine line between being very helpful and considerate and kind, and being cheated or tricked by people who are trying to con you. This also happens, and it’s the duty of both parents and teachers to make sure kids are street-wise, and know who to help and who not to help in various typical situations that might arise in life.
4. Do people nowadays help others more than in the past?
I am not sure. I think that people help their neighbours or members of their local community less, because society is a bit colder and more individualistic in this sense today than in the past. But, on the other hand, there are more charities and volunteer groups around today, and it’s more fashionable that large companies get involved in corporate social responsibility, or CSR, where they have initiatives and activities and funds that are dedicated to worthy causes – helping fund orphanages, build libraries or develop areas of communities that are lesser privileged. So, in some ways people are less helpful and in other ways we see more help than we did in the past. Depending on how you look at it!
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