雅思口语Part 2:冬天除了堆雪人,这项活动也很好玩!

2021-08-03 09:46:36来源:网络作者: 景景阅读量:

  雅思口语Part 2:冬天除了堆雪人,这项活动也很好玩!虽然现在是盛夏,但最近却有同学问了这样一个题目,让描述“你在冬天喜欢做的事情”。其实每年冬天呢,我都会去滑雪,这是我在冬天的时候最喜欢做的一件事,每到周末,我都会约上几个朋友,一起去滑雪场玩上一整天,感受运动带来的快乐。真想冬天快点到来,这样我就又可以去滑雪啦!


雅思口语Part 2:冬天除了堆雪人,这项活动也很好玩!

  本期Part 2 话题

  Describe something you like to do during the winter.

  You should say:

  What it is

  With whom you like to do it

  What will you do

  How you feel about it.


  This topic definitely reminds me of snowboarding. One thing you should know about me is that I was born and raised in Harbin, which is a city famous for ice and snow in its winter.

  I have to say when I was little, I love skiing so much that I even pretended to be skiing in my parents living room when I didn’t actually have the chance to be out on the slopes.

  Throughout my junior year, I practiced it so hard, like ski race training with a professional coach and stuff, and a few years into it I became much more inspired by my snowboarding friends, seeing them ride the powder and hitting jumps as well as do tricks that seem much more appealing to me. And I always looked at those professional skiers, and visualized myself doing the same tricks, and basically for every snow season, I would ask my friends to go to the skiing resort and turn those tricks I learnt from other people into action, with that method I became fairly good at it. And now in my life apart from my study, snowboarding has become my priority.


  1.throughout adv. 自始至终;贯穿整个时期

  2.visualize v. 使形象化;想象;构思;设想

  3.priority n. 优先事项;最重要的事;首要事情


