雅思口语Part1 8分素材之Car trip

2021-08-03 09:17:50来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  雅思口语有P1放 | 8分素材之Car trip,快上车!对于雅思考生们而言,高分备考就需要多多积累素材,通过把别人的素材灵活运用,实现自己的雅思口语高分!下面我们一起来积累一些关于Car trip的高分表达吧,希望对大家能够有所帮助!

  # 高维思路 #



  Good things about car trip:

  Great bonding time 联络感情的机会

  You take the wheel, literally 你来掌控

  Complete disconnect 完全与世隔绝

雅思口语Part1 8分素材之Car trip
图片 来源网络


  Do you like to travel by car?


  Well, I like traveling by car, especially a road trip to far away place with your friends or family. First, the trip offers you great bonding time, when you have the time to have some deeper conversations with each other. And after the experience, we always feel closer than before. Another reason is the car trip, compared with trips by train, bus or air, enables you to take full control. You can stop whenever you want, getting out, stretching your legs and getting fresh air, feeling close to nature. Also important, the road trip takes you far away from the city, which allows you to forget about all the connections---colleagues, clients or boss. You are less likely to reach for your phone and answer emails and able to focus on your surroundings and breathe.


