雅思口语Part1 必备表达:​Car trip

2021-08-03 09:14:49来源:网络作者: 素素阅读量:

  雅思口语有P1 必备表达​Car trip,快上车!本文我们针对这个话题为大家分享一些词汇,我们会按照词性分类:名词、动词和形容词部分,分别给出大家一些与话题“Car trip”相关的词汇和短语,并同时提供相应的例句,让大家能够更好的掌握相关的用法。希望这些内容对于大家的雅思口语备考能够有所帮助!


  Road trip 开车长途旅行

  Last-minute decision最后一刻的决定


  Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?


  The farthest place I’ve ever been to traveling by car might be Nanjing, a city around 300 kilometers from Shanghai. Actually, this road trip was a last-minute decision that I and my friends had to go to the city by car instead of by train. It took us about 4 hours and it was fun.

雅思口语Part1 必备表达:​Car trip


  Get about四处走动

  Get stuck 困住



  When do you travel by car?


  When it comes to getting about within the city, car is definitely not a good choice, especially in rush hours, because you’re likely to get stuck in a traffic jam. So, normally, I prefer to commute to work by subway. But when I’m on a trip with my family to, say, the countryside for a picnic, car would be more appropriate because the place is inaccessible by public transport.

  ○ 形容词部分

  Carsick 晕车的

  Obliged 被迫的

  Awkward 尴尬的


  Do you like to sit in the front or back when traveling by car?


  I think I prefer sitting in the back because I feel safer that way. Besides, I get carsick when sitting in the front, and I also feel obliged to talk to the driver; sometimes, I have nothing to say so it gets awkward!


