
2021-08-02 16:23:52来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:




  1. How do people in your country define “intelligent”?

  It depends on what people you’re talking about, but I do think that people in China focus too much on grades to measure intelligence. Whereas, I, personally, view intelligence in a broader and deeper sense. I think people who can solve problems, think critically, evaluate different opinions and views, and come to insightful conclusions, are the real intelligent people in life.

  2. Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?

  I think sometimes yes, but not necessarily in every case. Some smart people can get very absorbed in things, their own thoughts, hobbies, obsessions and interest, at the expense of others. So, yes, they can sometimes have a tendency to get selfish.

  3. Why are some children more intelligent than others?

  I think there is a mixture of reasons. Part of the intelligence we have I believe we inherit from our parents, from our genes. So, it’s been proven that intelligence is to some extent genetic. However, also it depends on our upbringing – whether our parents read to us, talk to us, explain things to us and bring us up to be thoughtful, thinking people. So, I think it’s a combination of genetic factors and upbringing.

  4. Do you think it’s true that smart people get more opportunities in their lives?

  I’d say so yes. In most cases yes. Smart people can get things done faster and can often also talk their ways into better situations that can lead to more opportunities and more successes. Also, smart people often have better education and so on, which can lead to better work opportunities.



