
2021-08-02 16:18:43来源:网络作者: 小梦阅读量:





  1. Are you a tidy person?

  I’m fairly organized, yes. Generally speaking I tend to be a pretty tidy person, because it helps me feel on top of things – like studies, daily duties, and so on. I think that if you’re tidy you can also focus on things better and have a clearer head.

  2. How do you keep things tidy?

  I’m not sure really. I put things back in their places, you know, books back on the bookshelf, clothes on hangers in the wardrobe. I make my bed. I ensure that the things that I get out are put back in their respective places each night before going to bed.

  3. Do you think people should be tidy all the time?

  Ideally yes, like I said, if you have a tidy room, you also usually have a tidy mind too! So I think it’s better for everyone, both practically and emotionally, to keep things relatively tidy. I don’t think it’s good to be too obsessively organized and tidy though! There’s a balance!

  4. Are you tidier at work (school) or at home?

  Generally I’m tidier at work because I see that as a responsibility to my job and the tasks that my manager sets me. I can sometimes be quite disorganized and untidy at home, but at work I prefer to keep more organized.



